This economic argument has been a key part of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign since around 2010.
Consumers shouldn’t have to pay because it disproportionately impacts people who live below the poverty line. Rich people and companies won’t care but people in poverty, with no means to move of affect change, get absolutely fucked.
Companies should be paying for it, because they are the ones that use the vast majority and profit from it. Normal people don’t profit from this shit.
Anything that negatively impacts the end consumer and not the company who dictates these things to the consumer…? Is wrong. End of.
Some regulators are listening.
FFS there are absolutely regulators that are pushing against coal, several being mentioned in the article specifically and including the EPA itself. Being skeptical is one thing, but just ignoring the entire article isn’t remotely productive.
I don’t doubt it. They might be laughing and ignoring what they’re listening to as they count their next set of bribes, but their listening.
A lot of industries use electricity. They want cheaper prices.