Peru to Eastern Europe: “ah you think the potato is your friend, but you merely adopted it. I was born to it, molded by it, I did not see cereals till I was colonized and by then it only made me gassy!”
Back in the 1930s the Soviets managed to invent the in vitro fertilization and out-of-body human fetus development method by implanting the egg inside of a potato.
The resulting children born from these were named The Belarussians.
You’d need a way to convert the starches into sugars first.
I found a few forum threads where someone got as far as realizing that, declared maybe they’ll try, and never came back. But no mentions of completed bean beers.
This is Bean country![emoji beanis beanis](
What…? I’m sorry this is Poland.
Peru to Eastern Europe: “ah you think the potato is your friend, but you merely adopted it. I was born to it, molded by it, I did not see cereals till I was colonized and by then it only made me gassy!”
Hermano, you must be out of the loop.
Back in the 1930s the Soviets managed to invent the in vitro fertilization and out-of-body human fetus development method by implanting the egg inside of a potato.
The resulting children born from these were named The Belarussians.
Can you make alc out of beans?
You’d need a way to convert the starches into sugars first.
I found a few forum threads where someone got as far as realizing that, declared maybe they’ll try, and never came back. But no mentions of completed bean beers.
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they put enzymes in it, either from grains or on their own. same way you’d do for beans.
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if its shit it can always be distilled unrecognizable into vodka too!