I think your assessment is spot on. I find a lot of such individuals, if not worse, in various posts. While I encourage redditors to migrate here, when they get here and see shit like what you describe, it’s no surprise if they go back.
I think your assessment is spot on. I find a lot of such individuals, if not worse, in various posts. While I encourage redditors to migrate here, when they get here and see shit like what you describe, it’s no surprise if they go back.
I don’t know; can we not do the whole “unduly overreacting to the use of metaphor” thing, please? Honestly, your comment sounds exactly like something from a ChatGPT bot.
I’ll agree you certainly didn’t try.
I’ll agree you certainly didn’t try.
If this had any grounding in reality, Firefox would be used as little as Cello. Don’t buy into conspiracy theories. Don’t get me wrong: a company could try this but it wouldn’t be sustainable.
Debates about “vim vs. emacs”.
Have you ever heard of a metaphor?
No but thanks for trying.
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I could see Tony making this joke.
The way I see it: if someone dismisses valid concerns, I’m going to give their opinion less weight; if they do it with hasty generalizations, I’m going to give it zero weight and maybe mock them for being incompetent.
Dad jokes: delivering Groucho Marx humor since day 1.
@dvdnet90 So, where there should I dump my porn? For the cause, of course.
@BitterSweet Citations needed; I think you will find the facts are the opposite of what you just said.
csm10495: Hey, guys. Can we not be assholes about why we are here?
becool: Not to say “fuck you and get out” but fuck you and get out.
Personally, I see both sides of this matter. As a long time redditor, I am seething at the thought spez is effectively claiming "We are entitled to all the free data users gave us over the years and to jack up our API prices which will make for a worse user experience. I also think there is a right way and a wrong way to discuss the overreach of some people, like spez, who have a pathological lack of awareness in a way which makes constructive resolution easier and more imminent.
For example, instead of what you wrote, I might have said something like “Fortunately, reddit is still a thing and we can work on showing the people over there just how shitty spez’s actions have been and how they will lead to a worsening experience for them while simultaneously encouraging them to join kbin”.
I’m not saying your position and its premises are necessarily wrong; I am saying time, place, and manner of communication often – if not always – matter.