What a weird coincidence that, just as AOC and Bernie begin a wildly successful tour of the country, we start hearing about the Biden’s wanting to help lead the party or Kamala being the the top choice for 2028.
Daily reminder of our planned strike. Together we’ll show them all our strength. Sign your strike card today!
I understand that they probably don’t want to lock themselves into a timetable, but arranging a general strike without a date chosen seems like it is an uphill battle at best.
I already quit my job because the manager was shit :/
It honestly feels like the Democratic Party is doing everything they can to lose.
Fuck. Off. Grandpa.
Remove the dinosaurs. Where are the strong confident aggressive lefties at? We need more Bernies!
Assassinated or in fear of being assassinated since the fbi, the organization explicitly built to assassinate communists, is still around.
How old is Bernie now?
yea sure more of the old stuff should help
Dude’s figured out his legacy isn’t what he thought it would be and is trying to come back and “fix” it. Fucking horrible person for his entire adult life.
I don’t think it’s that. I think he truly thinks he’s had a good career and fought the good fight. He’s so out of touch, but he wants to help because he heard there’s a problem. Probably don’t even understand how his help might not be a good thing.
I think he wants to help out of self preservation, because he still sees himself tied to the democrat party. If it implodes immediately after he loses an election (arguably his loss as well as Kamala’s), it will tank his legacy. He will be a big part of why the party died.
So sure, yeah he wants to help the democrats, in a round about way. Its hilarious he thinks he could help at all though, rather than hasten its implosion.
30,000+ people showed up today for the Bernie/AOC rally today in Colorado.
If only there was a way forward…… Says the Democrats
Bernie isn’t what I would call a spring chicken
It would be nice to have someone who doesn’t look like they are going to die any second.
Bernie the sheep dog is not the way forward.
Can’t even bring himself to say the world genocide.
That horrible regime party can’t be fixed.
As long as Americans don’t vote 3rd party they get what they deserve.As long as you hyperfixate on a single issue that’s over there, it’ll be hard to win over here.
It’s not a single issue, he is also a warmonger and cheerleader for all the US wars among other things.
Or do you mean everyone should just ignore al that inconvenient horrible stuff bcs that’s somewhere else and doesn’t affect them personally?
The true lib way.
Bernie is 3rd party…
He’s a sheepdog for the dems.
And whatever he is, he’s certainly no alternative.
Support alternatives to FPTP first
Bernie and AOC are the new direction. Biden wants back in to stop them. Fuck Biden!
Make no mistake:
This is not “help.” This is the neoliberal fascist collaborator backlash against help.
Yes please prop up the dead husk of Joe Biden on a stage like weekend at Bernie’s. That’ll really embolden the base.
Oh my fuck.
get out
get the fuck out, Biden
You lost the whole show, you simple fuck. You handed the republic to the fascists. You did NOTHING to stop them. You shook his fucking hand and gave him tea. You couldn’t campaign to save your own fucking life, and your meddling played a major role in your successor failing (though Harris does not get a pass here either). If I never see your name - or the Clinton name, for that matter - ever again in my life, it’ll be too soon.
No, no. It’s worse. They did more than nothing. They specifically held back from prosecuting him because they wanted to run against trump. So Biden could attempt to stay in power by saying “oh it has to be me I’m the only one who’s beaten him.”
Do we have proof or is this conjecture that fits what we can observe?
It’s been a while and searching for old news including the words Biden and trump is basically impossible, but I do remember seeing a like DOJ memo or something to hold off on persecuting. While it did not say the reason I listed above, I can’t imagine much other reason to do so and it’s not like they’ll come out and admit it was for that reason.
Edit: and post I remember commenting on about it two months ago was deleted from politics…. so… can’t find it that way.
Thanks for the added context. If they did intentionally delay prosecution (plausible considering how much time they had to do it but didn’t) then that’s pretty hard to excuse regardless of the reason.
The hubris is just absolutely infuriating
It’s not hubris though. They know what they are doing and they don’t care because they won’t be the ones hurt by it. They would legitimately rather Trump be president than win by having to adopt any kind of actually progressive policy. This is what all of their actions have shown us. Don’t give them a pass for incompetence, they are just as culpable for the situation we find ourselves in today.
It’s wild that Biden’s arrogance and conceit was a more important concern than winning the election. Everyone around him knew his brain was fucked.
He’s probably more like a young child emotionally right now from mental decline, shouldnt have been allowed to be president.
They must be saving Hillary for when things get really bad
Michael Dukakis is their ace in the hole.
Is Kitty Dukakis still on drugs?
I hear she’s now mainlining a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and methanol.
Edit: spelling
I would joke about Al Gore but he’s definitely too far left
I mean if Trump were to attempt to run for president again, I’m sure the Dems would put Obama on the ticket with the same reasoning for a third term.
They’re not quite sure if they want to rock us yet.
I know of someone we can send out to offer a Handshake.
Plan A was Jimmy Carter but alas
Somebody call Howard Dean. That’s the level of enthusiasm we need right now.
I mean, I wouldn’t mind some Hillary right now.
^~not an endoresement~^
The fuck would you want some sort of that even handed well educated steady hand at the wheel?
Why the fuck would you want that? Compared to now? Cause GeNoCiDe?
^~not an endoresement~^
You forgot to turn off the signature when you switched sock puppet accounts
JiLl StEiN 2028!!!1
No need for a new direction, right? Biden can run for president even if dead, and liberals would still vote for him.
If it were him or Trump again?
Fuck off Joe!
Anyone over the age of 55 needs to be in an advisory role, not a leadership role. It is literally the same fucking leadership today as it was 20 years ago.