Why give this guy shit? If he was just following orders, he wouldn’t have talked to CBS after the fact and you wouldn’t be reading this. It’s something, right?
Why give this guy shit? If he was just following orders, he wouldn’t have talked to CBS after the fact and you wouldn’t be reading this. It’s something, right?
My mistake - corrected.
Cool. Bonus points for the MF DOOM tape
Also pretty crooked these days
That’s all well and good, but the problem remains: Namely, the fact that Meta earns far more every day than all companies worldwide earn from the sale of T-shirts put together - much, much more. And Meta pretty much doesn’t even sell anything physical (Oculus, c’mon). They mainly just sell massive reach for advertisements and PR (influencing opinions). In addition they sell, the personal data of users to make that work devilishly acuarate. As long as the vast majority doesn’t care how this business model works and what power the centralization of attention actually means even for their own reality, nothing will change, I’m afraid.
In Switzerland, Amazon has (for most physical products) hardly been competitive since 2018 due to a VAT regulation, which is intended to protect the Swiss domestic economy against the size-related superiority and, above all, against the tax tricks of this juggernaut. Nevertheless, the world has not come to an end there - quite the opposite. There is actually some competition again in their e-commerce-market.
Yes, just terrible management. They could have just made good money, but no, there has to be more. So excessive greed at any price - now it’s just bankruptcy. But I’m sure that won’t bother the senior management: they’ve already put their millions in a safe place and will simply move on. The next company that needs their outstanding leadership is bound to come along…
What European allies? Here in Europe, there is hardly anyone left who still sees Trump’s USA as an ally. Embezzling millions from aid organizations intended for starving children doesn’t go down too well here either.
Ah, yes, the good old HAns RIegel BOnns.
Someone should keep a close eye on this guy, because he could be suicidal. I mean, he probably knows the president and his entire crew pretty well.
Well, it pretty much says it all when not even the BBC can give a halfway comprehensible reason. I mean, they still have at least certain journalistic standards. If no reason is given, the authorities just didn’t give one - the article says that they just wouldn’t discuss that. So it looks like pure arbitrariness to me, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that was the case with this regime. That’s what they do: They chicanery people and use all their power for their fascist ideology without caring about the law in the slightest.
These people lack any concept of what is decent or just because they are morally bankrupt.
Perhaps old games with poor graphics are so popular because people are particularly fed up with reality these days.
Well, I’m from Germany. Fortunately, our terrible history is still taught in every school here - in pretty much all its horrible detail.
That’s why it’s important to me to warn US citizens before it’s too late. I’m not so sure I would be courageous enough to stand up against such atrocities if I had to face deportation to an extermination camp, as I would have in Hitler’s time - please don’t do as the Germans did and fight back while you still can.
I mean there’s a world of difference between posting something somewhat critical on social media and actually having to fear consequences for life and limb. This is only for the really brave. I’m not so sure I’d be one of them if it really came down to it.
Don’t let it get that far in the first place!
Yes, there are certainly many who are just inherently evil, but I don’t think that’s the majority. I think most of them are like Eichmann: objectively speaking, of course, they are also evil, but they don’t get satisfaction from their cruelty. They simply don’t question what they’re told because it’s their job - and that’s enough of an excuse for them towards others and also towards themselves. Doesn’t make them any less guilty, though, I would say.
If I were to carry out this order, I would refuse. Who cares whether she’s “legal” or not - deporting a sick child is simply inhumane. Those goddam monsters!
But yes, that’s quite right. The reign of terror in Hitler’s Third Reich was also only possible with those who carried out orders and clung to the idea that they were not responsible. Hannah Arendt described all this very well in “The Banality of Evil”.
Yes, indeed. RIP Grumpy Cat and all the others.
Is the lifespan of cats in this scenario 1,000 years or 9 x 1,000 years because of their nine lives?
The pronunciation typical of the country makes it clear what a fucking Kant the usual philosopher from Germany is.