What I understand is that it is some goods that was in round 2, that will go into effect tomorrow instead.
France Canada
What I understand is that it is some goods that was in round 2, that will go into effect tomorrow instead.
Je suis au Canada et pareil, travail à la maison depuis 5 ans, j’ai dû aller au bureau 5 fois en 5 ans peut-être lol
The contract needs to be cancelled ASAP !!!
Canada should add a 100% tariff on USA crude oil that we import (Canada import 0 I guess) and with trump reciprocal thinggy, automatically crude oil from Canada to USA would have a 100% tariff on it lol
He called him “Donald” and republicans/maga are outraged!!! lol
I’m using MX Linux AHS, it is Debian based, it is always up to date, like latest firefox a few hours after it’s out, kernel 6.12.17 as of today, etc.
It has no systemd, no snap, no flatpak. It just uses the good old .deb and everything is working fine.
lol? mais que fais la police‽ rien…
China just want the land anyway :-/
How this ends is of course unclear
??? It is pretty clear, unfortunately, China will take Taiwan in the coming months/years, and USA will do absolutely nothing.
It should work pretty well, I have a AMD 5600H and runs “MX Linux AHS” for 3 years now
Got like 3 feet of snow in 3 or 4 days, I stayed at home, good :)
C’est un rêve en couleur, tu imagines le coût de construction, les syndicats, la mafia, le BAPE, les expropriations? Ça prendrait 25 ans à construire, au final coûterait 250 milliards, les billets de train seraient trop cher, il ne fonctionnerait pas l’hiver. Tu peux faire montreal-quebec en 1h30 en auto aussi en roulant un peu vite avec un éclaireur en avant de toi.
J’ai vu l’aéroport de Mirabel, le prolongement de la 30, le pont de la 25, le 3eme lien. Ce TGV on en parle depuis + de 40 ans, quand il a commencé en France puis en Europe.
old school here, started with X Terminal and motif (mwm) and played with twm of fvwm last century. I have always like Xfwm/Xfce because it is simple and it works. I have the start menu/quick launches, the button bar where windows appears, and the icon area, a little bit like windows 95. No icons on my desktop.
N’importe quoi… déjà 100 milliard wtf? ça en prendrai/prendra le double, ça ne se fera jamais, c’est juste du vent.
On est au prise avec une dictature au sud, et Trudeau veut construire un train?
It never landed upside down, we can see in the video from the other plane.
Made a grocery last week (~130$) at Maxi (belongs to loblaws, yeah I know) and 0% was from USA, I checked all label. It was special to see all the tomatoes “from USA” by dozens and dozens, and the one “from Québec” was about empty, it was like that for a couple of products.
Pareil, 50+ ans ici, débuté sur ZX81, on est loin des smartphone! et je suis plus productif sur un ordi qu’un téléphone certain. Comme tu dis c’est plus rapide, plus facile, écran plus gros, etc.
La plupart des “applications” sont des pages web en plus…
As a Canadian who went 200+ times in USA in 25 years, I’ll never go there again