• 215 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Vähän tässä mietittää, että mitäköhän he nyt ajattelevat, ketkä alun perin epäilivät Stubbin kykyä toimia tasavallan presidenttinä.

    Itse kuulun tähän kerhoon. En nyt sinänsä epäillyt etteikö Stubbikin saa hommaa hoidettua, mutta oma ääni meni Haavistolle. Mielikuvat Stubbista on olleet vähän semmoisia besserwisser-henkisiä ja “sori siitä” on jäänyt yhtälailla mielikuvaksi.

    Mutta nyt täytyy myöntää täysin ilman irvistelyä että hyvin Stubb on hommansa hoitanut. Suomi on tuolla keskustelupöydissä tullut hyvin esiin ja vaikeassa tilanteessa näkyy selvästi että Stubb on kyllä ihan aidosti ottanut oppia mm. Ahtisaarelta. Jos nyt jotain moitetta pitää hakea, niin persidentti vs pääministeri -valtasuhteet on ehkä vähän vinossa aikaisempaan käytäntöön verrattuna, mutta sekin on enemmän kritiikkiä Orpolle kuin Stubbille.

    Sinänsä olisi kyllä mielenkiintoista saada ikkuna vaihtoehtotodellisuuteen että miten Haavisto olisi samassa tilanteessa toiminut, mutta kuten todettua, hyvin Stubb on tonttinsa huolehtinut. Vielä kun muuallakin maailmassa olisi pelkästään presidenttejä jotka ottavat hommansa vakavissaan sen sijaan että solvaavat toisen valtion päämiehiä julkisesti ja muuttavat isoistakin linjauksista mieltään tiheämmin kuin minä sukkia.

  • As a general idea: Very much, pretty much everyone around agrees that it’s a good thing and ‘we’ should do it. When the choise would be slightly inconvenient for them personally: Not so much.

    And obviously there’s the few who actually use signal and fediverse, drop meta/google/twitter and make active choises when shopping for things, but there’s not too many of them. Here in Finland we have markings on food which are domestically produced, but as very few pineapples or olives grow around here I don’t think too many pays attention on where the products come from. And then there’s chain labels like Coop which often label country of origin as ‘EU and non-EU countries’ anyways.

    And I’m not any different, even if I consider to have pretty decent knowledge on things. On groceries things like Coca-Cola are produced locally even if the mothership gets their cut and with corporations like Nestle it’s just pretty much a lost cause trying to keep up what brands are “bad” by some metric.

    At least on digital world it’s a bit easier, but there’s still things like whatsapp and instagram which are important enough due to their massive user base that they just can’t be ignored for various reasons. And with electronics I try to avoid at least the cheapest Chinese crap, both for quality and security (yeah, I know, not using Huawei phone to use Meta apps is a bit hypocrite). But I also try to stay away from Google services (but I’m not going to root my phone just for that), run Linux almost everywhere (but that’s what I’ve been doing for 20+years anyways, it’s not about country of origin), use Amazon only if there isn’t alternative (or the alternative is so much more expensive that it just doesn’t make sense in personal scale) and so on.

    Maybe it does something, maybe it doesn’t. I just try to throw my pennies in a hat whenever possible to keep things around locally. I live in a small rural town and if I need a can of paint or a single bolt I need to drive ~50km round trip to get anything. Should someone open a hardware store in here I would be the first customer just to show support. But I’m not made out of money either and have my limitations in life, so if the local business is too slow, too expensive, too rude or whatever else I’m not going to feel too bad when they go down. And that’s the general idea I try to apply even more broad scope, whenever there’s a “local” viable alternative I try to prefer that, just to keep competition alive and have more european base values around, but I’m not going to make my life unnecessary complicated because of that either.

  • IsoKiero@sopuli.xyztoSuomi@sopuli.xyzMistä ostaa .fi-domain?
    7 days ago

    Tätähän pitää vähän selvitellä sitten tarkemmin.

    vastuuasiat voi olla sitten omilla niskoilla tms.

    Eipä se tunnusvälittäjä ole sinänsä vastuussa vaikka rekisteröidyssä domainissa olisi palvelu joka huijaa mummojen eläkkeet ja lasten karkit. Vastuu rajoittuu siihen, että pitää olla huolellinen domainin omistajan tietojen oikeellisuudesta ja niiden kirjaamisesta asiaankuuluvalla tavalla ja että domainit eivät riko tavaramerkkisääntöjä ja sen semmoista.

    Olen vain tosiaan ollut käsityksessä että enää nykyään yksityishenkilöt eivät voisi olla välittäjiä, mutta jos näin on niin rekisteröidyn kyllä itse välittömästi kun Y-tunnuksella tuota hommaa on tullut tehtyä vaan se polku on ainakin toistaiseksi taputeltu.

  • The exchanged mails between the IMAP host and the MTA need a unique identifier to organize contents of the DB, and this would not be possible or automatic if your switched the upstream MTA.

    It sure is possible. I’ve copied maildirs over different software, different servers, local copies back to the server and so on. Also if you just rely on your own IMAP server the upstream doesn’t matter as fetchmail (or whatever you choose to use) anyways communicates between hosts on their preferred protocols.

    Obviously there’s a tradeoff since now you’re responsible for your backups and maintaining your server, but it can sit nicely on your private LAN with access only locally or via VPN without direct access to the internet. And you don’t need MTA to run IMAP server in the first place.

  • I wonder how much money that accounts for

    Let’s throw some numbers around. Quick google search says that federal workers make $35/hour on average and that there’s about 3 million workers. Let’s be generous for Elmo and say that only half of the workers received and/or reacted to the email and that they only spent an hour on responding, attending to meetings with colleagues and so on about the case.

    So, 1.5 million hours * 35 dollars per hour equals to cool 52,5 million. Adjust numbers on how ever you like. 50-200 million is a big pile of cash, but in the US government scale that’s not much above a rounding error. Pretty hefty bill anyways from a single email sent by a guy whose authorization on anything is pretty much just ‘trust me bro’.

  • IsoKiero@sopuli.xyztoLinux@lemmy.mlNeed help asap
    10 days ago

    Can you switch to console? Try ctrl+alt+F2 when the system is booted up and log in to that.

    I suppose some package update was interrupted or crashed. You can attempt to re-run what’s missing with ‘sudo apt-get install’ and ‘sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a’. And, assuming your console access works, you can at least check log files on what’s wrong, but for that I don’t think any generic ‘read /var/log/syslog’ file is too helpful as there’s a ton of stuff and with things like journalctl it’s pretty difficult to navigate around if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

    And also, more details would be helpful. What you mean by ‘enters a loop’, what it actually says that went wrong and so on.

  • what allows him to remain president ends

    Strictly speaking, the war is not the (whole) thing which allows him to stay in office. His era continues up to the point when the successor is elected and there can not be legal elections during martial law. So, yeah, the war is the reason, but once the peace is achieved it still requires proper elections (no idea how long that takes in Ukraine as a whole) and then he’s released from the office. So even if the peace came tomorrow I think it would take in minimum at least a few months until elections are open. Possibly even more as significant amount of Ukrainians are out of the country right now and they might want to secure option to vote for them too which might take quite a bit longer than few months.

    But I have no doubt about it, they’ll have fair elections when it’s possible, Russia will try to influence the hell out of it and in the end Ukraine has new, fairly elected, president eventually.

  • That would be a damn good deal and I’m sure Zelenskyi would be more than happy to sign the papers if there was no doubt of the outcome.

    But as of now I’m pretty sure that announcement is mostly just global politics with a hint of fools hope of it actually going trough. He’s just stating loud and clear to the world that if it’s his (forcefully) prolonged position which is the main issue on the war then he’ll happily stand down, but on the terms which are acceptable to the Ukraine.

    Heck, after all he’s been doing, I wouldn’t be surprised if he agreed to go into trial in russia (and sacrifice himself) if it meant lasting peace for Ukraine. It obviously doesn’t come to that, it’s not really about who’s sitting on president office, but in theory I wouldn’t be surprised.