What if we took the city and moved it
What if we took the city and moved it
I have a single cup pour over. Make 2 cups of coffee (30g) in a thermos and then drink it for a while
Oh this video fucked also it made no sense how did he gather that much speed
Who’s the guy that Felix referenced who, when the rus-ukr war started, unfollowed everyone on Twitter besides Putin and Zelensky lmao
What the fuck is going on
Apartment list
Why dude
He looks like Kyle Gass
Jesus christ, I skipped Thanksgiving this year and I’m very thankful. Will be attending one of my queer friends’ family Thanksgiving which should be much… more chill
Just about 20 hours since I last had nicotine. I’m doing okay but cravings are really starting to get at me.
The thoughts go away slowly over time. Continue self crit, continue mindfulness, continue education, and ofc do not act on these thoughts. It’s important to recognize them and understand why they are wrong though. I myself was raised in a very conservative environment and left with racist thoughts. Obviously I havw recovered from that brain disease a while ago, but even still sometimes i have some issues with this. It gets easier over time and generally goes away though, but it’s a process
This is so so so so fucking gross death to America death to America death to America
Isn’t this literally the plot of a curb your enthusiasm episode
trumps tiny hands
Mr. Trump you’re fired sir
School shooter style pfp