The Beijing No 2 Intermediate People’s Court went on to state that “social tolerance is a blessing of the rule of law” and highlighted the need to “respect diverse ways of living and protect the dignity of transgender people.”
are going to be very upset when they learn this. How could evil China stand up for their transgender comrades?! Jokes aside, this is great progress and I hope things continue to improve so that China be another safe haven on the likes of Cuba.
It’s striking to me that the Court could have just rendered a decision based on the law and the contract, but decided to add that part about respecting diversity and LGBT people. Almost like a warning shot to anyone else who would try to pull this shit.
Good stuff.
People be mad when their national enemies do something good. Gotta append with “but the tibetans” though
Gotta append with “but the tibetans” though
Never once stopping to consider what the theocratic slave owning class would have thought about LGBT people…
The libs are going to be very upset when they learn this
That’s the neat part: they refuse to learn
At a time when LGBT rights are criticized outside of the west as being ‘western decadence’, this is a great win
Xi says trans right!?
Xi says trans left.
Where did they go?
This is a big step. Even for Asia as a whole. You all need to watch the attached video. Not the subject of the article but the journey of a trans man from China going to Thailand for top surgery and how happy he was just to be accepted by his family and to have a nurturing support group brought a tear of happiness. This is progress. Savor it.
The article also covers things that relate to trans rights in China more broadly, so definitely give it a read, but here’s the stuff related to this case.
Timeline of Events: In 2018, Gao worked for e-commerce platform Dangdang. She applied for sick leave with her supervisor on the day of her gender reassignment surgery, submitting a medical certificate and the doctor’s advice that she needed two months off work after the surgery. It was affirmed by her superior.
But the human resources staff rejected her application. They said her certificates contained “unclear content and cannot prove sickness”. The company also sent her a letter following her surgery, where they addressed Gao as “Mr”, referred to her as a “mental patient” and said that they had to “protect” other employees from her.
Two months after she had applied for sick leave, she was fired. Two months after that, she formally sought labour dispute arbitration. The letter the company sent Gao was used by her as evidence of unlawful dismissal.
In 2020, the Beijing court supported Gao on two counts and ruled that Dangdang should continue to honour her original contract of employment. In addition, the court said Dangdang should pay her salary from the date she applied for sick leave to the date of arbitration, which amounts to 128,028 yuan (US$18,000). It went on to state that “social tolerance is a blessing of the rule of law” and highlighted the need to “respect diverse ways of living and protect the dignity of transgender people.”
The details of the case were previously unknown, and were posted online by the Shanghai Federation Trade Unions on November 29, 2023.
HR, ghouls in every society
Median salary in China is 26,800 yuan. I imagine she was probably making more than that, but its a nice paycheck.
The company also sent her a letter following her surgery, where they addressed Gao as “Mr”, referred to her as a “mental patient” and said that they had to “protect” other employees from her.
it’s nice to see a country where ‘rule of law’ has meaning and gets used to protect actual people
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The US has gotten so used to not obeying laws they get surprised when the laws of physics drags one of their fighter jets or ospreys out of the sky.
Like damn the laws of physics aren’t like the Geneva conventions you can’t just not adhere to them if you don’t want to.
they’ll invade the hague if pi continues to not be 3
Sometime in the next few years, an F-35 will crash directly into the South China Sea because the engine spontaneously turned off mid flight.
The liberal media will go onto a news cycle for how the plane should have continued to be able to fly without thrust despite being heavier than air.
The US military will then launch a full scale ground invasion of Isaac Newton’s grave, with the justification that gravity is in direct opposition to US state interests.
but at what cost? 😭
: “A good friend told me… The CCP seizes LAN party rooms and they… sniffles …they put anyone who doesn’t like the woke agenda in them and makes them finish Celeste to leave… The people see sniper lasers pointed at their heads, as intimidation, but China is so poor, actually, that they only actually have laser pointers from night markets…”
: “Damn, that’s crazy, man…” ]
We’re going to war with China with the decade, aren’t we? The US won’t allow human rights to flourish like this
The democrats will scowl at you for denying cis genocide
Both, at the same time.
Glad to see progress being made. It was only a matter of time for China. Their population isn’t as brainwormed against lgbt as Russia’s.
Historically China never imported homophobia from the West and there were many gay/bi Emperors and other historical figures. IMO the biggest problems to deal with in Chinese society with regard to LGBT are ignorance and apathy, rather than seething religious hate.
Afaik public opinion is basically around where the US was in the late 2000s
And with how fast China is surpassing the US it should be where Cuba is now in the next few years.
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Fuck yes
Nifty, Go China!
But libs told me that the SeeSeePee genocided all LGBT people?