Dude was always a billionaire asshole. Now it’s just everyone realizes it.
I’m the king. Of jalopies.
Dude was always a billionaire asshole. Now it’s just everyone realizes it.
I’m not getting it. But I’m not good at this.
It’s just cold out right now…
Shut up.
Have you done ketamine? I mean it feels that way but really you’re just drooling if not quasi passed out lol. At least if you aren’t like micro dosing it or whatever.
What is ketamine Jesus
I had the exact same experience including the videos you linked to. There was nothing to be found.
No wonder your French is so bad
JK I got the koth reference
I’m not Canadian yet. Where’s that?
I’m down with Colorado. Just not that one half… You know the one…
I thought the French peeps were all in the eastern side? I’ll learn French. Just make me Canadian. Please.
Tons of agriculture in the northern half of California. I live in Sacramento, it’s like 95% people growing food. Hell, it’s even called the farm to fork capital. We’re a perfect fit for Canada! They can have the south.
I just want to be Canadian. Nothing wrong with Mexico but I don’t speak Spanish. But I can speak Canadian! Sorry.
Can we split California? Northern Cal just seems like it should be Canadian honestly.
Currently shitty egg memes I believe.
I think they’re testing us
Embrace the pain Harold
Too on the nose.
Won my high school talent show playing this song with my band. We were awful.
Oh I see.