Since you asked according to Wikipedia the Musk Foundation has given $50 million to st Judes, although Musk and his foundation have been criticized for their low payouts.
Since you asked according to Wikipedia the Musk Foundation has given $50 million to st Judes, although Musk and his foundation have been criticized for their low payouts.
I have good vision but I actually really like this font since i have a smaller phone screen! Anyone know how to install it on an Android phone?
Bees are not in the wasp family (although ants are)
Yeah I’ll learn how to do that some day…
Reddit did the same thing. A single carriage return is ignored. Idk why…
Cry all day then for maximum health?
-Be Trump, a closeted environmentalist
-Hire on Musk for your cabinet
-Have him say extremely controversial and offensive things
-Rally conservatives to his defense to sell more EVs and save the planet
It’s almost TOO obvious people
I’d say this is a positive thing, and I suppose it is, but it mainly feels like a political hit job by the Marcos family. I won’t be shedding any tears for Duterte though…
Man what am I doing wrong? Still nothing from her. Oh well. She’s probably too good for me anyways :,(
You only make the mistake of using a calcium carbonate buttplug once.
I know a girl in south carolina who wasn’t from there; she saw lightning bugs for the first time there one summer and she started crying. I find that story very touching- its a reminder not to be blind to the beauty of the world, even if that beauty is so common that it’s unremarkable.
Nah you’re fine. Fevers below 106 are not dangerous for healthy people. And below 100 it’s not even considered a fever at all.
^really cool video about fevers if you are interested
Yeah the fever stuff is all wrong. Fever below 106 is not dangerous to healthy people, and actually helps you recover faster by strengthening your immune system and making your body less habitable for pathogens. https://youtu.be/cRZOUcpiOxY
Yeah I didn’t interpret it like he was mocking him, it’s like she thought it was charming and cute. Trying to enjoy lemmy while ignoring the politics is like trying to enjoy playboy while ignoring the porn
Huh? Most people don’t have enough cash to pay off their home, let alone save up enough to be able to buy a backup home. That’s what insurance is for- it protects you from expenses that would be ruinous if you had to pay them out of pocket. The insurance company takes in more than it pays out, but it’s worth it for home insurance (and health insurance in the good old US of A). It’s why buying insurance on some $100 tech thing is always a ripoff.
Joking aside I do check every once in a while, there aren’t any critical vulnerabilities for the snapdragon variant yet
S10E GANG S10E GANG Greatest phone ever made I’m using it until I get my identity stolen
On a Lemmy I’m always the person who thinks people are overreacting or exaggerating. But this really does seem like the end of firefox as a privacy champion (which, apart from being nonprofit, was my only real reason for using it). I think I will make a donation to ladybird.
Another thing: their acceptable use policy straight up forbids viewing pornography or graphic violence. No nuance or exceptions.
I agree with that, up to a reasonable level. Of course, that is where things get tricky because “reasonable” can mean different things to different people.
Go for it dude. I’ve been working out ny whole life and have never paid for a gym membership (I used the gym at college, then at my various apartments, and then when I got a house I set up a home gym). You can get an awesome workout in with nothing more than some free weights, a bench and a little creativity. You mention being a “total novice,” but I feel like most people that go to a gym are working out on their own anyways so unless you’re thinking of getting a personal trainer there’s really not much difference. If you have any questions about form just take a look on YouTube.
The other factor is, what will motivate you to exercise more? For me, it’s the convenience of knowing i can just walk into a room in my house and work out. Whereas I know some people that are more motivated by group exercise classes. So you’ll have to figure that out yourself.