Do you mind sharing the questions here? I don’t feel comfortable with a Google form link.
Do you mind sharing the questions here? I don’t feel comfortable with a Google form link.
This looks delicious! 💕 Thanks for sharing
This looks like a pregnancy craving.
I’ve been seeing articles about a recession hitting for the last 5 years. They will predict a recession till they are correct.
I read the packages and research every item as I shop. Those labels are very misleading.
3% so far*
Please reconsider? What does that mean? It’s not red. But maybe no? So like it’s ok but it will probably suck? But still doable in a bad game of truth or dare? It’s not yellow.
Is it worse than yellow? Is it worse than red? If it’s worse than red, then why is it so polite?
Baked brownies :)
To be healthy is a luxury. To have enough time off work to exercise and cook a well balanced healthy meal is a luxury.
Which Tuesday? Tomorrow?
Seeing a doctor for a sick note for a cold or flu is definitively not a great use of patient care. However if a patient has a medical appointment, why is it so hard to get a note on any scrap paper for an employer that says “patient should rest for x days then will be reassessed” due to surgery or “patient has x or y limitations / restrictions”. No confidential information on it.
Feels like getting notes to support substantiated accommodations is difficult and a long process. Most doctors don’t just write a simple note on a paper like a prescription for employers. That would be useful.
If anyone has any suggestions for apps for reading for little kids (kindergarten age) please let me know.
So far all the apps I downloaded aren’t free.
So taxpayers paid over $103M on over 24 partisan advertisements.
That’s a lot of money spent on ads that could have gone to services and improved Ontario.
Dow Jones is still up 6.21% over past 6 months, or 2.44% year to date, however you want to look at it.
You can see my deleted comment? Interesting!
Was that change for gerrymandering to get the NDP out?
I had no idea South Africa was like that. So none of this would be a problem if the economy was doing better.
That’s a very hard situation.
On the plus side, I heard weed is easy to grow.
I heard new swag was ordered, which is great. I feel like I could do a week of overtime and still not be caught up the week after.