Organisational Theory Thesis Survey

Hello, I am doing a thesis on organisational theory. I would appreciate as many responders as possible.

Survey here, shortened google forms link

    8 days ago

    I have so many thoughts stirred up by this survey. Here’s just 1: some companies don’t benefit from consultants because they are the unwilling or unable to implement their recommendations - not because the recommendatios are wrong. Honestly, most big companies hire consultants to blame their poor results on - and for that, consultants are totally worth the cost. Happy to share more if you would like - just message me.

    • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 days ago

      I think the first part is very much related to culture eating strategy for breakfast, in that you can’t turn a ship with good intentions. I had not considered the second part and it is an incredibly relevant point. I will definitely take any firther insights you have.

      I replied here in the hopes that the thread being busy would encourage more people to take part.

        8 days ago

        Sure thing! Here are some other thoughts your survey brought to mind:

        1. I think of business culture as the way people behave when a leader isn’t there giving direction. So, sota in line with your perspective. But unlike the culture of a country, I think a business’ culture is defined by behaviors (as opposed to beliefs).

        2. In the last 40 years, public corporations have focused on profits and shareholder value. But I think it is a huge mistake to ignore the other groups the business impacts and influences, such as their customers, their employees and the community they are in. My perspective is that unless all of those things are looked after, the business will become terrible over time (Boeing is like a case study on this).

        3. Not mentioned in your survey, but a pet peeve is the lack of development and mentorship of staff. Most teams could be so much stronger with the right support, oversight and development. But it requires a lot of elbow grease, which managers and leaders are unwilling to put in. To me, this is so wrong it boarders on unethical. But, at least in the US, it is pervasive across businesses.

    8 days ago

    Do you mind sharing the questions here? I don’t feel comfortable with a Google form link.

    • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 days ago

      Hey, as much as I would love and appreciate participation - I need to keep the information centralised tor auditing and data protection.

      The form does not harvest addresses or require google log in. I am a degoogler myself but this is the format that works best with the college infrastructure. Everything is just a mouse click and then manually entering an email address that wont be verified.

      I would appreciate it if you could complete it.

        3 days ago

        I completed the survey. These questions are very interesting to me because I work in HR, and I see and hear what my employees are saying all the time and how senior management reacts.

        Just had a meeting this week with consultants over changes, and they complicated a process we had.

        On the other hand, an external consultant doing an audit in another department may be great because a potential conflict of interest may get exposed.

        In my company, values are preached, not practiced. It’s awful for employee morale. Senior management/ leadership doesn’t practice the values and it shows. Our policies contradict the values. I think a lot of our employees are numb to it now. As you can tell morale is down where I work.

        I could have wrote a paragraph for every single question. Even the simple ones like if we value education over experience.

        Anyway, good luck!

        • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
          3 days ago

          Hey, I might be interested in interviewing you if you were interested? If you want to pm me, at the very least I am interested in hearing your expanded views on the survey.

    • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 days ago

      I understand, note that there is no verification or sign in required. There are also relevant parts to addressing large corporation over reach. Google has had a huge issue in the past directly related to the field of study, in that their culture was not at all aligned with their strategy which caused mass exodus, firings and court cases due to the people culturally wanting to do no evil and the company wanting to expand into military support.

    • Squizzy@lemmy.worldOP
      8 days ago

      I don’t wsnt to colour the participation of the survey, but I have read this and a lot of other resources and I can’t say that I entirely disagree with you. If you are interester in further reading on this topic, The Big Con if a great start.