
  • 12 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2022


  • We only even have limits for presidents because the same libs, right wingers, whined and pissed themselves after the country elected the least-shitty president 4 times. If the president is good… who cares. Let them stay 50 years. I don’t understand the term limit shit.

    Their media milks this so much, too. They propagandise term limits until the concept ossifies in people’s brains and then they point out Xi Jinping has no term limits every time he gets reappointed, and that alone is proof of dictatorship to liberals. The guy’s on a roll scoring W after W for China and the Western media just bleats about how democracy is being crushed under the weight of all of those Ws.

  • Isn’t it such an amazing coincidence that the rebels who liberated Syria have goals and ambitions that line up perfectly with US Foreign Policy?

    “We’ve liberated Syria, but Israel unliberated the rest of the Golan Heights but hey, they can have it. We don’t want to take on Israel, we want peace with Israel (who the UN says are doing a genocide on muslims) and war with China (who the CIA says are doing a genocide on muslims).”

  • It’s agonizingly slow because of that one time they tried to progress agonizingly fast on one great leap.

    Changing culture through generational education (their textbooks are way ahead of their laws) is slow but it sticks. They learned that the hard way. The snap-back happens in the West as well but there’s no learning happening.

    And importantly for China it doesn’t leave large demographics thinking that the government is trying to control them instead of serve them. The US would love an opening like that to drive wedges into Chinese society.