It’s just a matter of taste I guess. But now I’ve given it a thought and I honestly don’t get it, you want to replace the apostrophe because it has two uses (three if you count that some people like myself use it as quotes as well) with the hyphen that has many more uses like compound words, prefixes, ranges, dates, divided words at the end of a line…
So an n-dash? Which is arguably indistinguishable from a hyphen unless you put them together, so most people just use hyphens. Or another dash-like character in between?
I mean to each their own, if you like it you like it. I’m not saying your way is bad or worse, I’m just a nerd who also likes to use punctuation in a peculiar and personal way. Just to be clear that this is a light-hearted conversation and not a ‘yOu aRE WroNg!’ kinda thing. :)