Tories need some shred of ethics
Tories need some shred of ethics
How weird! Could the fact that more and people are falling below the poverty line have something to do with an increase in people stealing stuff they can’t afford? How will we ever know?
We transferred a huge chunk of public wealth to private companies during covid, and unless we tax that back, we’re only going to see this situation get worse
5 stars, will crash again
I’ve been slightly obsessed by Love Endeavour (Maurice Fulton Remix) by Alice Smith from 2014, Golden Fool by Gnome (and indeed the whole album), and Cabin Fever by Slomosa (and indeed almost everything they’ve done), both released last year
That was a well-found location, the colours in that last photo are perfect
That’s valid, but I think that there’s going to be an increasing number of people who feel unsafe enough to take that hit, from the left/lgbt/scientific/non-caucasian communities. There’s almost inevitably going to be a brain-drain because of this, so we might as well take advantage of it
The smart move here would be for the EU/UK to set up an easy method for all the clever, motivated people alienated by the orange hitter’s actions to jump ship
Mr In-Between. Funny as hell, really well made.
You may have conflated two separate things there. There’s a table-top game that, if iirc, he had a hand in making, which gets fairly well reviewed I think. There’s also a TV series (loosely) based on Tales From The Loop, which has essentially lost everything of value from the narrative of the book.
Yeah, I supported his Labyrinth book (which is great) on there a while ago, so I got notified when the kickstarter for Swedish Machines was launched. It should be getting delivered fairly soon, I can’t wait!
I love his work, I’m in the kickstarter for his new book and I can’t wait to see it
Mpb, and eBay mostly
I’m in my 40s, work a low-risk job, live in a low-risk area, have 12+ years no claims, a clean license. Ignoring the points at which everyone’s insurance gets cheaper as they age, my premiums has gone up constantly. Coincidentally, so have insurance underwriter’s profits. I definitely could have got cheaper insurance if I’d have compromised on cover, or gone with a worse-rated provider, but that’s not my point. The base cost of insurance is set by the underwriters, and that has increased year on year for just about everyone
Are they hell. Has anyone, ever, known their insurance premium to go down? It’s a racket. If they 20 limits are cutting costs, that cost is being turned into further profit, not savings for the customer
Imagine the orange Buffon starting with 50 states and having 47 4 years later. Make America Smaller Again
Well that was really rather easy, I’ve edited it, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Once again, Cuba being on the right side of history, in contrast to their neighbour
Serbia has joined the chat…
Universal credit has been a shambles from start to finish, almost as if cruelty and weakening the welfare state were prioritised by the tories over actual welfare