The sad part is that Musk actually believes this. AI + “a wizard will do it” defeats night and/or clouds, apparently.
And height. And speed. Maybe easier if there are zero planes, but not easy.
Technically finding all the planes is super-easy if there are zero planes.
Idk, if you tell AI to find a plane, it’ll find a plane. Whether there is a plane is irrelevant.
And the curvature of the Earth.
Someone should just ask him to explain what BVR stands for, and what exactly visual range means.
Even this makes more sense:
Yep, we all know that the correct approach is to stick those tubes into your nostrils and see if you can smell jet exhaust in the distance.
Nah, you’d scream into these so that you could echo-locate them.
Ahhh the Yee old smell-o scope.
casually does a fly by and ruptures your eardrums
Ah, yes, volunteers.
Of course they are. Forcefully so, but still volunteers.
Just imagine the game of telephone you could get going for target tracking.
Don’t be silly. You can easily guide the anti air missile directly with simple voice comms, since it is piloted by another “volunteer”.
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Maybe the Japanese war tuba’s time has come again