gotta pay the gloom toll, if you wanna get into this boy’s hole
gotta pay the gloom toll, if you wanna get into this boy’s hole
Resist the urge to hoard stuff
That goes against every rpg instinct I have!!
Any idea where I can get a hammer that can break the ores? Will a stone hammer be enough?
The earbuds to me are alright. I might consider getting them depending on the quality of the mic. I use steel series ones that can connect to my phone for discord and my ps5 for gameplay, but it gets kinda sweaty haha.
As for project Q, I just really don’t see the point. You could just use your iPad or iPhone for remote play. I understand that you get haptics and adaptive triggers but I wouldn’t pay 300 for just those features. Why they don’t allow you to download games onto the device is so odd to me.
I can see how it could be useful for someone with your use case though.
Idk how I feel about the temp v…
I was 9 years old performing violin at the United Nations when it happened. I’ve never seen the streets and subways that crowded before or since.
Caw caw, very funny
Some people are claiming that it’s going to ruin the fediverse. Could that actually happen?
Don’t skip leg days, toddlers and infants
People fainting and being carted off on stretchers
Delta: SoRrY fOr ThE uNcOmFoRtAbLe TeMpErAtUrEs