Hes a cock
Hes a cock
I’d watch Stephen Graham make tea, it was a well acted interesting show. But how they are finding enough to be angry at I dont even know, bar the obvious with the kid and the throwaway mention of algorithmic recommendations in the closing minutes of the show.
Google have always tracked you using wifi, their street views cars have been collecting and geotagging wifi signals for decades now. Hooray for them doing the bare minimum when someone else tries to I guess.
You likely have a case for Asylum these days which is a nice silver lining.
They can fuck a whole lot of shit up on the way there though
Ireland has been a member for over fifty years.
Hey, I might be interested in interviewing you if you were interested? If you want to pm me, at the very least I am interested in hearing your expanded views on the survey.
If apple want it to yes. The system access should not be locked away for a company to produce their own tech. It isnt innovative, competitive or productive.
He has a legitimate right to call himself Irish unfortunately, but the irish are not complaining about this any more than the Americans are claiming drinking bleach cures covid.
This rapist can get fucked, he sat on his hole claiming the dole then got picked for the shortest run of fights to champ. He is a piece of shit, maybe there would be less immigrants if he had bothered to work for a living.
The Irish left Ireland and built the world, immigrants did the same in Ireland.
Fuck McGregor
I pay a dude to access his files 😎
He is power tripping mod, blocked me because he disagreed with me. Had to get another mod to address it.
The features of a secondary device should not be locked, an smart watch should be capable of working to the same standard as an apple watch with an iphone.
I actually did it, went a deleted my facebook, that thing must be damn near 20 years old. Gave feedback as Fuck Zuck, Trump and Russia.
Most phones are that now! To be honest, I say this with three tablets in mt house - I cant believe there is much market for these at all.
There is like 3-4 different progressions of awful here. Im going in the woods with a stick
I have never heard of this, but is Revolut not European? Splitting was their big selling point initially
I took a dive into linux and jellyfin and im too stupid for it.
Should RHEL be included here? American yes but are they capitalist cunts worshipping fascism?
I definitely dont believe the US is 100%, sounds like they just decided all the lead water was not drinking water so in fact only drinkable water is drinking water.