Do you have any good learning resources for number 4?
Do you have any good learning resources for number 4?
You should write for The Onion.
Better for your teeth, sure. Nutritionally, I’m pretty sure it’s better to spread it out.
“If man is 5 and the devil is 6, then that must make me 7”
What, never heard of the country of Boxcar Willie?
I guess the house doesn’t always win.
Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain’t calling.
Should avoid Chromium based browsers though.
Plenty of other Arab countries to choose from. Stay tuned!
Probably his idea in the first place…
To be too honest
I disagree. He should make it more accessible to the public. Physically accessible.
My European mind simply cannot comprehend that people accept this shit.
Just FYI:
If you want to say “both are not”, you can instead use “neither”.
I wonder which of those is worth less? 🤔
I’ll be looking forward to the next AI generated video of Trump “taking over” Crimea, this time featuring a sunbathing Putin.
At the very least, Canada should be allowed to participate in the Eurovision song contest!
So technically, they have a 1600 rating before celebrating their first birthday?
Yeah, a “full” bathroom with just a shower also has zero bathtubs.