The part people are missing w this is America has huge power over Columbia in the same way the US has immense economic leverage on Venezuela. The refining capacity of Columbian oil is mostly in the US.
The part people are missing w this is America has huge power over Columbia in the same way the US has immense economic leverage on Venezuela. The refining capacity of Columbian oil is mostly in the US.
Oh I was more asking about how much are corporate policies changing vs the messaging. Idk
I think it will just subsume into the current prison industrial slave labor cohort. The application of that labor will probably broaden to fill the gaps.
I mean there was a law in the bush era in one of the southern states going after undocumented laborers and agri businesses had to shut it down. Forget where it was. But it was dog catching the car moment that hit the wall of capital interests.
There are rumors of Chinese regulators going after bytedance over unfair business practices in china. I think there is something to the whole affair we are not really seeing.
I think the software bubble had technologies with way more use case. idk if that changes anything about the boom bust cycle or w/e
Goated tv series. Made me want to join the Air Force as a kid
Not to carry water for amerikkkans but If the poll phrased in like should doctors follow standard practices with trans youth it would prob also poll highly. Idk I’m always a little unsure about issue polling.
Meme of guy looking at two buttons sweating.
I thought the game was pretty good, shame the devs have brainworms.
I thought gamers hated this game bc
Slow news weekend. More tinfoil hat is they want to move on from CEO killer.
I’m more inclined to believe people’s brains are so mush to believe the drone story and it is good for ratings.
Yea, I found a heavily discounted Huawei at Fry’s that had not sold like 18 months after the sanctions hit, it’s 3200x1800.
mobile 3060
If your using a laptop you need to do maintenance on it. If you don’t reapply thermal paste/pads and clean your fans your GPU and CPU will throttle.
2nd addressing the thread more generally if you have a 1440p or 4k monitor you will struggle. Lowing resolution is a very quick way to get performance. This is why the steam deck and switch are 720p screens. My laptop is a 3k monitor and have to downscale any game I play on it.
Also “can it run crysis?” was a thing almost 20 years ago now
That’s not really how school funding or curriculum development works. I’m in a school and it all comes from state and district direction. Anything from the federal government is taken up at states discretion for the most part. The only largely federally mandated stuff you see is pre k and earlier with head start. Even common core, often wrongly demonized, was largely developed by the states.
Edit: feds are involved somewhat in special ed bc of civil rights issues
I mean I don’t mean to be a but maybe your talking past each other because social Democrat is a label used by social liberals for a long time.
Yea, i read most of the shit here as gossipy. As others in the thread noted there are lots of contradicting reports. Taking one source as gospel is a little silly there is so much crosstalk you cannot expect any one source ion a conflict to be accurate. Even if they are trusted they can absolutely make errors get misinfo passed to them or conditions on the ground can change making reports obsolete quickly.
idk I’ve gotten shit on my last account for saying both Ukraine and Russia are prob not accurate on their casualties counts or equipment losses or w/e, not to equivocate but to say that every source has biases own their own set of incentives and Its prob very hard to account for everything in an active warzone anyway.
Sometimes people get really attached to ideas and narratives in this thread idk how to put it bc that comes off as pissy and I’m not trying to be, I mean I’m still here reading the thread.
If you cannot parse the nuggets of truth and lies out of media you are reading its kinda on you.
Tbh it comes off as a 2nd order irony meme thing from russia
I hate this line of thought. Dems were not fooled or blackmailed or army “controlled” they just are ideologically committed to empire.
To report on this as a “trump plan” is misinformation by Western journalists. Biden admin proposed similar “refugee corridors” to the Egyptians and jordanians last year but was rebuffed by the two Arab states