• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • What I see in general in the indie scene people are much more willing to experiment with different concepts than regular AAA. For that alone I think is always a good idea to check the indie section. But I am also aware since there is a lot of volume, there is also a lot of straight up shovelware, which makes it difficult to navigate. By people talking about it, we can have more visibility as a group to see what is actually good and what is not from such a big selection.

  • There is a lot to be said about the 50 series so far:

    • reviewers by en large are extremely fed up with this situation (msrp is a value, street value is way more inflated. This skews a lot the review process)
    • people simply cannot get them (mostly scalpers for now I would say)
    • if we check in a vacuum the msrp and performance between 40 and 50 series, in the same segment is not an impressive uplift
    • the 5090 PCB is a massive fiasco (if you do not know what the problem is, check buildzoid video on the 12x6 connector and PCB issue). And by the looks of it, 5080 might suffer the same

    My opinion regarding the pricing issue is going to be decided in the next months. If people cave for scalpers or pre scalper prices, price anchoring will be in full effect for next release. If people as a collective get a back bone and don’t cave in, prices will have to be more normal than this nonsense. Still the connector issue for 5090 really needs to be addressed in an official capacity for nvidia to do something about it.

  • This is true not everyone out there has the capability to go out and have something like Linux, or the best version of windows 10 on their machines. But most people here are either knowledgeable enough, or have enough patience to try something like Linux out. If you know people that are in this position with their current machines from windows 10 to 11,and are not tech savvy, help them, and try not to be patronizing. Help them out by installing something like mint or Ubuntu and walk with them on the system, as many times as needed. If they cannot get used to it or find something that simply won’t work, don’t try to force Linux on them. Just find the best windows 10 version and install it. At some point if something doesn’t work anymore on windows 10 and they want to keep the machine, they will reach out to try Linux again, or, they will try to sell the machine they cannot operate with anymore (or give away, depending on the situation). Either way, help people out but don’t be abrasive if things do not work out the way you wanted.

  • I have to say, in general this doesn’t happen too often. But if you are afraid of this scenario specifically, my advise is either use a separate partition for the home folder (this is where all user installed things go, as well downloads, documents and pictures by default) and make a backup in some other drive with something like timeshift, or use something a bit more advanced namely immutable distro. I will give a bit of advise here: immutable distros can be extremely unintuitive, so if you want to try and understand it, go for a VM and take a weekend playing around. For gaming, bazzite comes to mind for this specific case.

  • That is far the only blunder we should account for. I still remember that:

    • they basically ruined NBA games for people that like that stuff (I don’t play, but making something like that and be the NBA slot machine instead is straight up terrible)
    • they sent lawyers to people’s homes to bully and hand over seize and desist letters
    • they went several times after modders that basically made a WAY better job than 2k slop (several of those times for GTA modders)
    • and the list goes on

    Frankly I don’t really play anything where 2k, Activision, ubisoft and ea touches (and I am sure my list is not complete. Also, anything denuvo can go take a hike). They all deserve to go under. I just wonder sometimes people getting excited to work on projects on these places to be squashed by the realities of “number go up” from these soul suckers.