Another option, if they are legally required to fix the bedbugs, is to start putting your rent in escrow. That might be a down the road option, but it’s good to have in your back pocket.
I’m not an exterminator but traps don’t do much imo
Another option, if they are legally required to fix the bedbugs, is to start putting your rent in escrow. That might be a down the road option, but it’s good to have in your back pocket.
I’m not an exterminator but traps don’t do much imo
Check your lease and the laws of your area. Where I’m at, infestations are the landlord’s responsibility unless that gets waived by the tenant as part of the lease. It might be different where you are. If you’re in a building with multiple tenants, and you spray every room properly, it’ll be real hard to get rid of them.
There are ways to test for it. If you have a bed frame, putting tape on the legs and bowls of water under the feet can catch them so you can make sure.
If you need to spray yourself, get the Ortho home defense max bedbug flea and tick killer. It’s the one thing that I’ve find that really works, but you do have to follow the directions, including doing a second spray.
Ok op cards on the table, what did you say it was?
Yeah I mean, with the death of local news, it’s harder to keep up because you have to investigate and research everything yourself. Which some might hand wave away as not a big deal but when you are working 3 jobs it’s hard to find time.
If only there was an organization, like, a big, established political party, that’s been around for a really long time that could have done something, rather than people trying to organize last minute.
I’d be upset is someone miscastered me too
Both can be true you know
No shit it’s us centric answers op asked what the plan was for the “leaders” in the us
I’m not someone under a self delusion spell who claims that they don’t see color, I recognize that white magic, black magic, etc. are different with different backgrounds and experiences, yet are equal.
While I am all for equal rites I recognize the differences in magical paths and traditions. I’m not some pretender who claims not to see white or black magic, mincing about proudly claiming not to see the color of magic, but can accept that they are different in background but equal nonetheless. And it would be ignorant to conflate one background for another.
You presumed insult for some reason. Might want to scry the subconscious realms on that one
That is irrelevant to my point, however true it may be
So you admit that those cultural aspects are actually there. Which are failed when they are used to support the ruling class.
Which was my point.
Something something ugly black spot idk
Yeah dawg that’s my point. We have the ideal of equality but also failed to actually follow through with it.
Points for talking about real issues but also this is a pretend fantasy billionaire we’re talking about
I’m talking about the shared cultural values of the society we have today, views shared by most Americans. Most Americans like free speech. Most Americans like liberty. Et cetera and so on. These are things that are part of our culture. You aren’t any less of a person for recognizing that these are values that are held by this culture.
I am also saying that despite culturally sharing in these values, our society also fails to actually support them in very big ways.
That’s good enough for me
Ok I know about the other ones but what’s the bad stuff target did? Besides the general capitalistic crap.
Yeah it’s too bad those schmucks didn’t and won’t do anything. I’m just noting that it’s funny that there’s already an organization that should be doing something and failed