Log into iCloud.com with the account that was on that iPad. Go to find my and remove the device from the account. Put the device in DFU mode(google the procedure for that model). Hook it up to your Mac and restore it from finder
Log into iCloud.com with the account that was on that iPad. Go to find my and remove the device from the account. Put the device in DFU mode(google the procedure for that model). Hook it up to your Mac and restore it from finder
If it’s a leak, is it a lie or if it’s a lie is it a leak?
I use an appletv. I have the version with a Ethernet port. It plays everything I’ve thrown at it so far and don’t have to endure commercials. The downside is you have to create an Apple account to install apps on it and not all apps are available. It’s also expensive.
Not one I overheard but one were I was overheard. In Paris at a restaurant where my girlfriend and I (anglophones) commented on the couples baby beside us. She said it was such a cute baby. I countered the most babies are cute so it should go without saying. You really only have to comment when they are butt ugly like in Seinfeld. It was a fun discussion which made us both laugh. Mid meal the couple got up and said in English that they enjoyed it too.
The sound of Grove after his crash is going to haunt me for a while
You might want to check the battery health on those phones. When the battery gets doggy the performance is affected (to prevent app crashes and system crashes).
I am amazed they believe him about the Muslim ban. When he gets elected he will enact that within 3 month.
As seen in all communist regimes and to a lesser degree most non communist ones too.
They can do a remote diagnostic to figure out where the issue is. Also try booting in safe mode. Hold down the left shift key while booting.
It does sound like a logic board issue though.
Just an idea. Copy all the data you can from that external drive to something else just in case that’s all you can get. Plug the external drive into the Mac with the bad drive. Connect the Mac to your network with a Ethernet cable, turn on the Mac while doing command option r combo when you see the Apple. Go to disk utility and format the external to hfs (it will wipe the disk). Exit disk utility and go to the install mac menu. once install on the external drive is complete restart while holding down the alt key and select the external. Boot off the external drive. Recover data by copying it to the external boot drive or another external you have. You may want to test the command option r first and I would disconnect the failing HDD during most of that process.
They interpret their religion and their religious texts to ultimately support whatever opinion they want to be able to justify. He wanted to be able to accept and support his daughter so he found a way for his religion to let him do that.
That’s the crux of the problem. Want to subjugate a group, no problem. want genital mutilation no worries. want to discriminate against a segment of the population, cool cool; I can make my god confirm every shitty thing I have in my heart. Luckily sometimes it works the other way.
What’s total crock of shit. As soon as they mention worker engagement, I knew it was garbage. Fuck your engagement. Pay me, and stop fucking me over by cutting my benefits. Emotional salary raise, what a bunch of assholes.
Try deluge, it’s been pretty bulletproof for me once configured.
Shit it took me so long to write this, it’s now totally redundant. I left it just in case you are bored.
I use a 2 year old iPhone, a 10 year old MacBook Pro as my daily driver, a 10 year old Mac mini attached to a tv and an apple tv. I also use a home build windows11 desktop for my home use and gaming, a hp mini running pfsense and a server running truenas core.
To touch on your points, You pay for the Mac hardware and the OS is included. This is just like you buy an Android phone or a dell Linux desktop. With windows computer you are paying for windows license within the price of the unit. the Yearly (pain in the ass)macos or iOS upgrades are free but they usually have a cutoff of 5-7 years because of hardware comparability. This does not mean you can’t use you mac anymore, it just means you just can’t upgrade to the latest version with whatever new features or fixes it contains.
The only bloatware is Apple software you might not need. Depending on the platform and the version you can remove it. Unlike an android pone manufacturer which will bake in some of its bloatware on top of Android, then the provider adding their own on top of that. This may or not be removable. Let’s not even talk about Microsoft and oems although at least with windows you can wipe the unit to reinstall with just the Microsoft bloat then take care of that separately… linux is free of that
Most of Apple software is integrated with their iCloud service (overpriced for sure). Windows users can do a very basic integration with iCloud for windows but it does leave everyone else out. You can still use iCloud on any system through a browser to access any of that data. Almost all their software is Mac only. If you buy Final Cut or Logic Pro and you want to keep using it because you like it, you will be stuck on Mac.(I didn’t really understand your point on this part)
Yes they do like to give names to stuff. A lot of companies do it to try to differentiate themselves other companies. Some of it is like grocery store calling their staff “associates“ instead of staff. I really don’t see that as an issue.
I am not fan of all the types of screws they use, I’m looking at you freaking trilobe. I do like the pentalobe though, never stripped one of those. I think using torx is superior to flat head or Philips as those strip more often when you get to smaller size screw heads.
I am of the view of using the best tool for you for the job. I don’t like to tinker with my phone and my laptop. I need them to be reliable. I tinker on my windows desktop My server is rock solid and so is my pfense router.
If you like what you use, that’s awesome you found the right gear for yourself.
Did you try to go into the uefi setting to see if the keyboard was functioning as expected? This will eliminate any software issues with drivers and OS. you can go into the security/ setup password to type. If it fails it’s a hardware issue, if it works then it’s software (probably).
Freedom convoy my ass; you mean racist antivax ass hats.
I haven’t heard that one before. I don’t have an answer for you but I have some questions. Is there any drive access when it’s doing that? Are you sure it’s all the drives making that noise not just one? Are they all doing that shudder at the same time? Is there any firmware updates available for the new drives? Is there a firmware update available for the controller? did you run smart tests on the drives?
That was my first thought too. Regardless it’s got to be uefi/bios related as it’s across OSes
Try using pcpartpicker.com. You can do your build on the site and it will list the best deals for the components you choose. As a bonus it will check to see if there are some glaring incompatibilities at the same time.
Did you try to reset the Appleid password?