Some of the original footage is on Youtube, and you can tell which of the takes of the ending princess hug scene made it into the game because of how she swings a foot back.
Linux gamer, retired aviator, profanity enthusiast
Some of the original footage is on Youtube, and you can tell which of the takes of the ending princess hug scene made it into the game because of how she swings a foot back.
why do they all have that slack jaw?
Feels like something Hyce would do. He would first bake the cake using the locomotive first of course.
Personally I would jsut deprecate the word “affect” entirely. Same with “inflammable” and “cleanse.”
Accurate. I was fussing with it earlier drawing up a cabinet.
It’s been driving me nuts.
I’ve never seen Lost, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad or any of the rest of the mandatory drama television genre. I gave up partway through watching Battlestar Galactica and kinda just stopped watching television.
For awhile there, the only non-technical conversation I could have was “Did you see Game of Thrones last night?” “No, I don’t watch that show.” “Oh. Bye.” Humanity’s ability to talk about anything except heartburn drama television for the last decade and a half kind of weaned me off of socializing.
There’s definitely stuff it breaks. I still miss Autokey.
Oh fuck it’s called “edge barrier” and is expressed in pixels. I think I overlooked it because I thought that was some setting to do with the hot corners. @#$%! Thank you!
Nothing like that in monitor settings.
Fearful, or in agreement with?
I mean, FreeCAD is a bit of a step-headed red child.
I mean all you’ve really done there is set up the trolley problem.
The countdown clock on the doomsday machine is ticking, you’ve got one hour until it burns the earth sterile, a pair of pliers, and the only person who knows the deactivation code strapped to a table. You’re gonna tell me you’re not pulling his toenails out because torture bad?
How about this one: You’re a doctor, you’ve got a syringe loaded with a dose of a vaccine that will grant immunity to a deadly viral disease, thing is it HURTS. It causes a burning sensation at the injection site, it’ll leave a scar like the smallpox vaccine did. Your patient is a 7 year old child. You stick that needle in her arm, and she’s gonna scream in pain, but she’ll be immune from sharkpox for the rest of her life.
V believes - at least somewhat correctly - that he’s breaking down Evey’s deep seated fears that allow the fascist government to keep her cowed. He pushes her to the point she truly believes she’s going to be killed, and that she holds some ideal more precious than her own life, that she’s willing to face death for, this will enable her to right a revolution against said fascist government. After which she thanks him. It’s as immoral as drafting soldiers for war; the question boils down to why are you in the fight at all?
Satisfactory’s devs call out Factorio as an inspiration, but they’re fairly different games.
Factorio is a top-down 2D game built in its own engine. Graphically it looks like Age of Empires with a 3 pack a day habit; buildings are grungy and smoky with something of a dieselpunk look to them.
Satisfactory is a first person 3D game built in the Unreal engine. Gorgeous and colorful alien landscapes with buildings that have a tonka truck kind of vibe to them.
Factorio’s environments are procedurally generated and can get to be extremely large. Satisfactory has one hand-made world with no procedural generation, the game world is approximately 25 square miles IIRC.
Factorio has pollution and base defense as major gameplay mechanics, as your factory pollutes you will attract larger hordes of alien creatures who will try to destroy your factories, and you can build walls and automated defenses. Satisfactory has no pollution mechanic and some FPS combat mechanics which amount to “there’s some alien wildlife that will attempt to gore you on sight.” Satisfactory’s buildings cannot be harmed in any way.
Factorio has a more paranoid feel to it; you’re never sure when the edge of your base will come under attack. Satisfactory is a lot more chill.
Granted, though I woudl consider motives as well as deeds when attempting to label someone “good” or “bad.” Else you end up saying goofy shit like “The allies were just as bad as the Nazis in World War 2 because they used guns to kill people and killing people is wrong.”
I drive a Chevrolet. What crush washer?
First of all, I’m not sure that’s an accurate description of the text of the film. V did not torture Evey into servitude, he didn’t break her spirit, she did not become dependent on or obedient to him. Shortly after, she is free to leave his company, which she does, after thanking him.
Second of all, I’m not sure she would have thanked the Fingermen who were going to rape and murder her for being out after curfew at the beginning of the film.
Typical load is one of these followed by two ball rounds.