I mean if Trump were to attempt to run for president again, I’m sure the Dems would put Obama on the ticket with the same reasoning for a third term.
I mean if Trump were to attempt to run for president again, I’m sure the Dems would put Obama on the ticket with the same reasoning for a third term.
Maybe Putin isn’t even in control of his own country’s military
I would say that violence out of sexual frustration weighs more heavily on me than people spending money on a fantasy of a relationship.
Are you salivating there?
Thought that house would be much bigger from the GB games
It’s sad that Trump actually won the state in the election and the popular vote, so that could affect the decision making by the leaders of the team
Actions speak louder than words
Not retroactively, but this would remove birthright citizenship for babies born in the future, after about 1 month from now, by my understanding.
Surely we can find hints that somebody is a Nazi before we find out that they’ve killed people.
I think it’s too early to call this a conspiracy. The timing might just be a coincidence, but it is pretty easy to make that connection and I hope there is an investigation by trustworthy people to follow up on this.
That is a comparatively slow rate of change, don’t you think so?
This is propaganda-level praise for Russia and it is everywhere in your history.
Maybe power should be distributed
Wouldn’t their dislike for Democrats transfer over to any leftist party as well? The right’s propaganda machine will label them the same way.
We do need more fucking trains, yes
Sliding into dictatorship removing a president who tried to grab power for himself?
Fascism +1
Where did you hear this story about Biden making a promise to protect Israel?
Isn’t this extortion? Isn’t that illegal?