I don’t… I really don’t understand what’s happening here. Are you pretending to be stupid to troll me or something? Is this how you get your jollies? By pretending to have a room temperature IQ to strangers online? Is it some weird kind of kink or something? Bro… are you using me to get your rocks off? Not fucking cool, man. You don’t just drag strangers into your kink. I did not consent to that shit. Go do your whole humiliation fetish thing somewhere else.
I don’t think you fully grasp the situation. You still seem to think that there are consequences for Trump when he breaks the law, and that the legal system in the US is still in-tact enough to grant you not only your freedom, but some compensation for your rights being trampled.
Yes, it is outrageously illegal for him to abduct Americans and send them to a black site on foreign soil with no due process. But he spent his entire last term positioning himself to be able to do and get away with outrageously illegal things this time around. He controls the department of justice and the supreme court. The supreme court has already given him an incredibly wide blanket for presidential immunity.
You might think “well, that’s ok - as soon as the story gets out, people will be rioting in the streets!”, but you have to remember that “independent media” is a thing that doesn’t really exist anymore. All of the major news sources in print and on television are owned by a small handful of billionaires, and he is very good at keeping billionaires on side. Any information that gets out there will be downplayed immediately, and the news will be forgotten in a couple of days to be replaced by the latest shocking celebrity news or the latest atrocity Trump has committed.
You probably would get out eventually (provided you don’t get sick and die or get beat to death by the guards or shanked or something), but you would be far, far worse off for the experience. The dream of vindication you’d get for sticking it to Trump would vanish like mist in the sun and you’d be left with the heart-wrenching reality that the life you had previously known is over, and you are at the mercy of the barbarians now.