Yeah, this is just one plant and about 70 plants survived this year
Yeah, this is just one plant and about 70 plants survived this year
Might finally be getting over covid and the flu but sheesh that was harsh. One day I took out the recycling and then had to sleep for 13 hours I was that wiped from something so simple.
Also I may have grown too many chillis this season, I don’t think my dehydrator is big enough to deal with this impending win/doom 😂
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I had already assumed that was the reason for the name lol!
I was looking at getting one last year and be aware that they don’t ship the coolest ones to Australia, I tried contacting them…
I designed my custom fender instead which my partner stopped me buying as she was like “indisin, you don’t even play your current guitar why are you buying another?” haha.
My current is just a semi acoustic Fender California Newporter Special in black.
You’d also love my partner’s drum kit…
Love the Ibanez.
Now to make you jelly, my first guitar is still at my folks home in the UK. It’s a Shaftesbury Les Paul with DiMarzio pickups. Got it second hand when I was a kid, that guitar is like 40-50 years old.
I suck at guitar though so it’s now my Dad’s toy.
Here’s *your Sunday Song
Not me mate. We just didn’t really enjoy the music or the food this year and this is what we’re left with haha. We’ll be there again next year!
This is too funny. Laneway was not worth it.
Testing positive for both covid and the flu.
Im all about the Horus Heresy. You can imagine my second edition army that lives in the UK, cocktail sticks make for great spikes. Showing my age there.
It was fun putting down *Kharn at times and summoning demons, but Abaddon and 4 terminators was my go to. One with an ancient reaper weapon.
Also the film Event Horizon is 100% Warhammer 40k canon in my opinion.
The commentary of the board game is great and I’m with you.
It’s cool that you and your partner are playing, I can’t get my partner interested and I have been keen to rebuild my army and play again.
On the computer game: it’s hack and slash and is very fun. It’s well rated by others too and yeah smashing Tyranids is awesome. I do wish it had an RPG element though as I wanna go through the rift.
Enjoy your tabletop fun too though!
Sorry for the late reply, I’m not on here everyday.
I’ve not played the tabletop version in a very long time but know that if you’re into the necrons and love chaos, before you spend like $170 on the game that it might give you an “ick” playing as an ultramarine. I was only able to play it twice despite it being decent and set in a universe I adore because, something just felt wrong and I figured out why…
I could’ve maybe dealt with playing as a Fallen Angel :(
Did it fall from the Montague Bridge?
Where do penguins live?
Front pocket of a lab coat.
Hoping the TV show will be epic. But Chaos all the way.
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Hair of the dog please chef.
It was a bit awkward getting home to a clone, but they have been coerced to work instead of me. Thanks as always chef!
LinkedIn is just Facebook for businesses.
Errr… This is not on and I cannot be left out. Unfortunately as I’m at Laneway Festival today I will not be home to accept delivery until tomorrow, maybe the day after depending on the how much I indulge. Thanks bacon! ❤️
Happy Laneway day everyone! Time for one too many beers and eating far too much food. And there may be music on in the background.
Thank you! What’s most incredible in my opinion is the mini ecosystem we’ve created with 120 pots plus 2 garden beds growing much more than just chillis.
So many bees.
Ladybirds even set up shop on their own.
Now I just need to deal with the spiders…