Will delete if another is made while I’m making this one.
Looks like I’ve just made my first post ever! 😅🪭 Good morning and goodnight lovely people of the daily thread 🧵🪡
Good Morning! Thank you for posting! ✨
No problem! I was strangely nervous for some reason 🤷🏼♀️
A study of Pepper in packing paper. These make it look far calmer than it was.
What a stunner!!
Like a cross between a mouse and a cat 🥹
So cute!
Edit: I need packing paper lol
I love him.
This is too funny. Laneway was not worth it.
Testing positive for both covid and the flu.
oh no, you take care and get better soon
Oh, that totally sucks!
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So we’re back to thinking ‘is this worth getting covid for?’ before we do anything again… yay.
Not me mate. We just didn’t really enjoy the music or the food this year and this is what we’re left with haha. We’ll be there again next year!
Dentist complete. Have retained all teeth
Did you take any freebie toothpaste?
Now we’re talking.
I call them stocking stuffers.
I’m all about the free mini floss packs. Got me onto my favourite brand (Gorilla), that shit works way better than everything else I’ve tried
What?! I’ve never been offered a toothpaste, what else has my dentist been hiding from me.
Not offered. They’re usually on the counter at reception in a bowl. If they’re not, you gotta ask.
Nerp, they were running short of it.
You got ripped.
Tax time
Chicky baby!
Class chickens???
Are you getting chickens? 😍
Haha no. Just my workplace and only temporary for a few weeks.
What manner of fluff is this exactly?
DeliciousAdorable chickenWe know who to ask if we need eggs
If it turns out to be female. If it’s a rooster, then it’s coq qu vin all round I reckon.
Do not eat the baby
Agree. Wait until it grows up.
Due to popular demand all pre orders have been suspended.
Have a nice day.
Reference and police checks are underway for the new role. All goes well should have an offer shortly.
Excited, cause it’s something new. Nervous cause it’s something new. Anxious, cause I really don’t want to meet new people.
Anxious, cause I really don’t want to meet new people.
I feel that. Deep in my soul.
I’ll have a few months to suss things out and hopefully fall into a nice groove.
The new dept seems to be on the younger side, which is fine. I can deal with younger than older, enteenched
sometimes I forget I am old and try to talk to young’un’s 😔
You’re only as old as you think.
I feel older but think younger generally.
Want some buzz words? “Brainrot”, “skibidi toilet” “yeet” and “get on the tiktoks”. You’ll fit right in!
Instead of shaking people’s hands, I’ll dap them up and dab right after.
That ought to raise my respect levels.
Good man! Also dont forget to ditch the ankle socks. Cool kids are wearing higher socks now for some reason.
Can’t forget the onion on my belt too…
that one i dont know haha
Makes me wonder if that somehow becomes stronger with time…
Lucky Gibson has a vet appointment tomorrow. She’s feeling a bit lousy poor Fluffball.
Took the day off work because fuck it why not.
Alfie has let me know that he plans on releasing books about the Grave Injustices That Cats Face, his first will be highlighting a particularly grievous instance that affects cats worldwide:
Mum Had Ham and She Didn’t Give Me Any! (Okay, She Gave Me a Bit, But I Want MORE).
He feels it will be a Sunday Times Best-seller.
My cats will write the foreword, and give it a five star review!
Ya gotta pay the tax everytime you open the fridge these days.
I have Seether by Veruca Salt stuck in my head this morning. No idea why.
Not complaining, takes me back to my uni days, maybe my brain is feeling nostalgic.
A good companion song is
Oh wow I’d forgotten all about that one!
I tend to feel they go hand-in-hand. Pretty sure I have a J recording somewhere of them being played close together.
Thankyou for replacing my earworm, which was not as musically worthy!
My work here is done.
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I always used to book my appointments on days when I had nothing happening , it was just too hard
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Well that’s enough news for today. Clive Palmer has a new political party, called Trumpets of Patriots. No this is not a Beetota advocate headline.
I really hope he fails in spectacular fashion, there’s no place in Australia for a trump like party to exist.
Also I’m sick of his ads on tv.
Edit: Just to add he was forced to use this name because he failed to register his United Party name in time.
I needed to have got off this ride years ago 🤡
ffs, that’s like saying Hitler for Patriots in the 1930s
these cunts can just fuck off
Sounds like a bunch of ‘patriots’ farting in synch
“Trumpets” lol where’s my mute? I’m tempted by a violin case for these idiots…
What aggrevates me is that if you agree to do something, actually fucking follow through.
If you don’t want to, then just say so, instead of fucking me around for days.
Fucks sake.
Some people don’t understand that they’re fucking with someone’s life.
good people, normal people, usually self question and self blame and start to think that maybe they are the one who is narcissistic
sure, people who are victimised by narcissists might end up with psychological injuries but that’s not the same as being narcissistic
here is a video by a therapist, that I watch regularly, to help us affirm that we are ok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5X2Q2dunHU
you’re ok 😘😘😘 love you all
Love you too Seagoon
hugs to you too
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I’ve never worried whether I’m a narcissist. Does that mean I’m a narcissist?
Oh wait, now I’m worrying whether I’m a narcissist! But does that mean I am or not?
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Don’t take me too seriously, I sure don’t!
(I like to hope that I’m not - but that was just me being cheeky/silly)
I worry that I’m so good at being a narcissist that I can’t tell.
And Spud is right, it takes terrible repeated trauma as a child and total neglect of emotional well being as an infant. It’s very tragic.
I will never forgive my mil for the cruelty she has inflicted on her kids and the rest of the fam.
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That was an interesting watch. Thank you for that.
I’m off to the dentist. Back shortly
dear lord the internet is full of americans discovering “great new ways of growing food” that are just standard good practises.
their mindset and every day language usage is infected by advertising and now internet videos
it’s not that bad here, yet
Yes, just like when gen z invented Spiders (ice cream floats). I bet those boomers don’t know what they’re missing out on.
boba tea jellies are just old fashioned tapioca pearls
“mind blown”
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I recall seeing a video some time ago, where a UK journalist/presenter (with a bit of a posh accent) was fawning over the fact that instead of going out for lunch during work, one could pre-purchase ingredients such as bread, meats and cheese, and combine them at home and bring this into work.
Discovering sandwiches in your 30’s is truly something.
good lord
I know right
They haven’t needed to think about it until suddenly realising they were in a crisis. Having realised, they now need to believe they’ve invented it