the “West”
I’m a communist 😈
the “West”
It’s not a quote. Defunding that agency would result in the proliferation of child porn.
“Give up on saving trans kids or we will de facto re-legalize child pornography” is certainly a new low.
Communism is soviet power plus the transfeminization of the whole country.
Marry your goddess-headmate who went dormant for years while you were busy waging war against her cult.
I was told Three Houses was a wonderfully queer game
Hilarious someone would say this considering all the people up in arms about Claude being heterosexual when the game came out.
Medical community debates mode of existence that contradicts their model of the mind conveniently in alignment with extant power structures, where have I heard this before.
the terminology is mostly online (because of the rarity of the condition not any other reason)
In 2019, former GDQ speedrunners protomagicalgirl came out as plural on HBomber’s stream and got her life ruined by KiwiFarms. Plurality is suppressed, not rare by nature.
Year of the Libre Office
Pluto if it was good
Vygotsky would be interesting. Died prematurely but had plenty of students continue his work. Wonder how he’d respond to their work and the current state of psychology in general.
That’s happened before. Carcosa is just not the most active among admins.
Pray to the legal system
Had Japanese curry with rice again
reference to Nick Land’s anti-semitism & transphobia
“I agree!” -Butch Lee
So far I have heard of state agencies rejecting ID renewals if you use an amended birth certificate, and one case of a trans woman having her passport renewal rejected despite other documents having an updated sex.
I am wondering if the latter was a case of authorities refusing to honor a sex change during the passport renewal process, though, or if the previous passport had also been updated and somehow they knew anyway.
negation of the negation