Smoking. Accidentally through vaping? Switched to vaping never intending to quit, but ran into issues with my vape, couldn’t use it, and one day I just sort of realized I was fine.
I had one of those early Kangertech models and i kept having issues with coils (even new ones) and then later with the battery. I guess I could have gone to the disposable kind but yeah. It just sort of happened.
I remember the fear i used to get thinking a certain cig was my last one ever. I think taking that out of the equation is critical. Either by lowering your dose or just cutting back in number, working down slowly, and keeping the process open ended is best.
Bazzite (with KDE). My desktop is mostly for discord and gaming - I don’t have the kind of job that can be done from home. So when I get to use it I want it to just work, and look good.
I’ve used a bunch of distros and I’ve sort of become an atomic evangelist. Which put like that sounds like a great band name.