Marxist-Leninist (relatively novice) with an umbrella ☔
Hey there, welcome aboard!
So coMputer becomes coMEputer instead?
Congrats! Hope you like it. :) Debian is a good first choice IMHO.
Haha, rickrolling never gets old, does it?
Difficult to do this discreetly, can be more incriminating if seen, but bound to cause a lot of discussion.
Well, at the very least one could just use a black marker to make the QR codes unreadable. Quick and effective.
P.S. Another idea is to put stickers over the posters, or only the QR codes. Less incriminating if pulled out discreetly.
Can’t say much, but mass organisations are reluctant to relate themselves to political parties of any kind; this case was a special one where the KKE has had significant presence.
Not as great as you might think from the headline. The reason behind mass protests on 28th February was the 2nd anniversary of a fatal train crash at Tempi, which cost 57 lives, mostly students. These two years, the neoliberal centre-right government has been trying to blatantly cover up every piece of incriminating evidence which would make them accountable for their actions. Demonstrations took place in most Greek cities and many foreign cities as well. People came to protest regardless of political beliefs (well, except the lapdogs of the ruling party).
As for KKE, it played a significant part in raising ideological awareness and helping in different aspects of this matter, even through its parliament delegates despite low representation and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it have some electoral gains.
I really hope that there will be consequences to this strike and we will finally see some justice, and I really wish 57 people did not have to die in a train crash to make people realise just how corrupt our current system is. 😔
Wrong question. The correct question would be “but at what cost!!?!!?!”.
The land of the penguins
The state media coverage on this demonstration was virtually nonexistent - 3-4 minutes in total on ERT NEWS, a 24-h(!) news channel.
That’s Freedom of Speech™ for you
“Connect to a hidden network” and it will ask you for the SSID and authentication details.
A classic for a network with a password is something on the lines of “Free WiFi for everyone”
Just a guess: you do it for them?
More and more often it looks to me like the prevalent view of propaganda is “if something breaks my worldview then it’s propaganda”. And living in a western country anti-American and anti-EU sentiment or even just presenting countries like China, Russia, DPRK, etc. is often attributed to foreign propaganda.
Idk I hate how no official here calls out Isra-l for its hasbara but everybody seems so concerned with Russian “propaganda” that they’d rather enforce a full blown censhorship. This stance is such a joke that some people have indeed simply stopped caring. Most do seem to believe or at least pay attention to what the state says through its media and it does seem here like the state calling out stuff as propaganda has at least its share of “effectivity” on the people.
PS. Sorry if the comment is confusing, my point is that how effective state calling out information as propaganda is depends a lot on the receiving end, aka the people. A lot seem to be inclined to accept the state/EU/US narrative on what is propaganda and what is not, but others have become critical to it due to its stance on the Palestinian issue.
Guglr, an AI which googles stuff for you
GooseGoose, an AI which searches stuff with DuckDuckGo instead
Brbr, a social media network for barbers
Glowr, Flurl, Blurl, Plomp, Plitch, Shplurrt, Flurm, Vloom, Sloorl, Gruwl, Grwlr, Gwrgl, Grlrrlglrcoughcoughwheeze
Let’s do it, tavarisch! 🫡