Needs more JPEG
Needs more JPEG
Remember, the prime universe Earth had to endure WWIII
As a resident of California, I’d vote yes. California would become part of the EU 🇪🇺
Now I want to hear TNG
She has lost all control 🤨
I’d watch the heck out of that
Wolf 359 was an inside job
A captain isn’t supposed to know every little detail. That’s why they have officers to delegate and specialize. Just like any other organization
Star Trek DS9’s “The Visitor”
Counter-point: not everyone is cut out for a four-year degree*. Some people are better suited for trade schools. My wife worked at a university and saw a number of students that were attending just because family wanted them to, but their heart wasn’t in it. Often they’d drop out with student debt and no degree to show for it.
*or at least when they’re young
Just wait until you see cars from “brands” like Tisosh, Frauej, and ZXCVBNM
My wife works for a non-profit where the Executive Director (CEO if you will) cannot make more than 5x what the lowest paid person makes. Wish more non-profits would adopt something similar
I was technically born with two, but it was due to clefting. It caused me to have pretty nasally speech, so they’ve since been surgically combined. Now it kind of looks like a wreath
DS9 Season 3 Episode 9: Defiant
Might get some hate here for this, but I’ve tried this company’s cheese. It’s the best cheddar cheese I’ve ever tasted.
Heyo, that’s where I live 😅
Teehee )
It really grates me