• 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’m not very impressed with this opinion article.

    In the section titled “the problem with advance consent” it spends four paragraphs talking about things unrelated to advance consent, and then just says “what if the patient would feel differently now that they have more experience”.

    Idon’t want our society to be killing people because they live in poverty that gives them unbearable health issues. But we shouldn’t be preventing all people with unbearable health issues from dying with dignity while we sort that out, and we shouldn’t be denying those in poverty the same right. We need to eliminate poverty. Maybe there is inadequate oversight and accountability of maid but the article doesn’t make any suggestions. This article feels like a person dogmatically opposed to maid throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks

  • I recall from elementary game theory that the ability to provably bind oneself to an action (ie make a promise you can’t back out of) is extremely valuable in negotiation. It is hugely important in our day to day lives (loans, service contracts etc), but also politics.

    The US ability to have people believe their promises has been shredded by Trump (Eg Iran Nuclear Treaty). We just renegotiated NAFTA to the USMCA, and now all of a sudden it’s no good? How can we trust that this deal will last more than 15 minutes? How can we have any sort of partnership with an organization like this?