mbt2402 [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2024


  • its good to hear that they are trying to put energy where it is needed. I have some more questions:

    • How many north koreans work abroad? Roughly speaking, is it common? How does the employment process work: do they sign up with an agency, which arranges the out-of-country work? Are there incentives?
    • Is the amount of north koreans working abroad increasing or decreasing?
    • How much direct investment is there from china, russia, etc in north korean industry? I.e. are there many international companies operating on north korean soil, joint ventures included? Does the DPRK feel like it is getting meaningful technology transfer out of these arrangements?
    • Similarly, how many north korean companies operate abroad, including joint ventures? Do these companies employ mostly DPRK citizens?

    1. how do people inside the DPRK regard the recent turmoil in south korea?
    2. how relevant do people inside the DPRK see the conflicts in the middle east, ukraine to their own national security? And do they feel that their affinity with russia/china/iran has increased or decreased in the last 10 years?
    3. In the last trump presidency, there was a meeting which appeared to be PR. How did people inside the DPRK regard the last trump presidency, and how do they feel about the incoming one?
    4. How has the relations of DPRK with Cuba changed since the new south korean embassy?

  • close! Let me give some more detail.

    There are 3 “objects” to consider here

    • the initial state I want to teleport, call it |ψ>
    • the bell pair, |β₀₀>, which consists of /two/ entangled photons “P1” and “P2”.

    First, I make a bell pair (P1,P2), and apply some quantum operation interacting P1 with |ψ>. Then I measure P1 and |ψ>, which will give me two bits of information “M1”,“M2”. I send to my friend over the optical fibre: the photon P2 (quantum), and M1,M2 (classical). Then, they can apply some operations which are decided by M1,M2 onto P2 and they will get back the original state |ψ>.

    there is an analogy to RSA (if you’re familiar), where the shared bell state is kind of like the key pair, encryption corresponds to combining the original state and measuring, and decrypting corresponds to applying the operations to the other half of the bell pair.

    The advantage here, over sending the initial state |ψ> directly over the optical fibre, is that the bell state can be established by e.g. a third node sending half of a bell pair to each party, so that we only need to communicate classically to achieve quantum teleportation.

    But also, quantum teleportation is a means of moving quantum states between different /types/ of qubit - of which there are many, which are good for different things.

  • the point here is that they used a fiber optic which was already carrying internet traffic to send half of a bell state and then did quantum teleportion using the classical channel (see my other comment for explanation of what quantum teleportation is).

    sending quantum states has applications like networking quantum computers, but also stuff like Quantum Key Distribution which is fundamentally impossible to eavesdrop on due to results like the no-cloning theorem! its like public key cryptography but the security is guaranteed by the known laws of physics.

  • i started writing out a little essay but decided instead to give you the gist: a single qubit state can’t be perfectly transferred with only an finite amount of classical information because it corresponds to a point on a sphere (so we would need to transfer latitude and longitude to arbitrary precision). Also, measuring a single qubit only gives one bit of information. However, if both parties share an entangled state (called a Bell state), I can entangle my qubit with my half of the bell state and THEN measure it. Then, my partner can do some operations that depend on what I measure to their half of the bell state, and they will end up with the same qubit I originally had.

    In the process, my original qubit will be destroyed - its not possible to duplicate a qubit, interestingly. This is called the no-cloning theorem.

    There is no superluminal possibility here, because the classical information to “teleport” the state still needs to be transferred - which is limited by causality. Quantum mechanics is “nonlocal” only because it doesn’t take into account relativity, when we add relativity we do get a causal theory.

  • For me, a language which is effective at conveying logic is the most I could ask for.

    A paraconsistent system where where individuals can have different universes of discourse would have no analytic statements. Instead, I think you are looking for Jaskowski’s discursive logic, which formulated in modal logic.

    have you read quine’s two dogmas? It’s pretty relevant. With respect to the bear goo problem, the confusion seems to arise due to expecting an analytic statement. Whether the bear goo is lo cribe depends on facts about the world (how disintegrated the corpse is, for example) i.e. the universe of discourse, as well as linguistic facts (the sense meaning of lo cribe). The question of xorlo seems to come down to the metaphysical position on the distinction.

    A final thing i would point out, is that there is a good reason sets aren’t the exact formulation of lojban: see russel’s paradox. This is a problem which intuitionistic logic “solves”, which sees usage in proof assistants like coq and lean. The univalent foundations project is a very cool rabbit hole. Category theory/categorical logic is also a way of formalizing outside of sets.