ACAB? C being Companies.
ACAB? C being Companies.
As long as the Democratic Party considers whites to be automatically racist and sexist then do they actually represent the population?
They also will become adults. So hook them now. They might also have access to their parents’ money.
File for an extension now?
The word internet refers to a network of networks and the Internet is the world wide network of networks. Like many words that require the use of a Shift key, most people use internet instead of Internet. Forgoing the use of periods is becoming quite common as well.
I am reading strips using the PageF/ip app on Android and I just came across https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2009-11-16
In Nevada they tied RCV to independents being able to vote in primaries, instead of being its own bill. The carrot and stick approach upset a lot of people, including me.
It’s the civilian equivalent of “military grade”.
Rules of Tech Support
Rule T9C - If you can’t restore from it, you don’t have a backup.
Rule T9D - If you haven’t tested your backup recently, you don’t have a backup.
Some minor formatting issues. I noticed that none of the cases ended up with someone being arrested, which seems odd. Are they being protected somehow? Are those who are supposed to provide oversight worthless or corrupt themselves?
Maybe the person only heard of the murder, saw some pictures, and didn’t know about all the “justice warriors” foaming at the mouth. I know plenty of people who hardly use the Internet and certainly don’t go on any social media platforms, even Facebook. We can’t expect every single person to know all the details.
Why blame a business for the actions of one person?
They sometimes use the IP of others and it can be a real headache or impossible to get permission from everyone.
Given that the Supreme Court ruled that all official (who decides?) acts are legal, I have no faith in them.
Couldn’t Trump just declare it that it’s an official act?
I consider reporting systems to be a trap. It’s a way to get rid of whistleblowers who are not part of the groupthink. There needs to a harsh spotlight on the failings of such systems. Too bad that those who can and should do so typically don’t want to. Lawmakers are beholden to the ka-ching and the public only cares for a short period of time, if at all. The only way these institutions are affected is by cutting their funding.
They are obviously in no hurry to hire and are willing to wait a few years.