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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I always like seeing scientific research that benefits or confirms techniques used for cooking. Anecdotally, I started using RDT a couple months ago and it has completely solved my grinder’s static issues. 2-3 spritz of water from a cheap glass spray bottle and my static issues were gone. I single dose and occasionally a wet bean or two will get stuck in the hopper but that’s a minor issue compared to staticky grounds going everywhere and sticking to everything.

  • I’m interested to dig into how the HTGR works. I have what I would call an “average redditor” level of understanding about how graphite and heavy water regulated reactors work but I’m not one of those let’s go all in on nuclear Andys so I’m not up to date on the latest designs.

    My main issues with nuclear are the safety, costs compared to other green solutions like solar and wind, what to do about the waste and ensure that it is stored safely for the centuries or millennia that it needs to be stored safely, and how/where the raw materials are mined (see France wrt Niger). The article makes it out that this design improves safety so that’s good. I’m curious to look into how much it costs compared to the Westinghouse designed reactors that China is building (has built recently?) per kWh.

  • Honestly, reading your post and not knowing or seeing this apparently overt racism which you refer to, the first thought that comes to my head is, this is obviously a CIA or FBI agent. You mention purposely posting extreme strawman comments and then surprise pikachu facing when it’s upvoted. If I read a comment on here about mass sterilization of all white people, I might upvote it assuming it was a joke. And I’m white. Live in the imperial core. If you yourself are a privileged white person living in the imperial core, which I assume is so based on this post (although my money is still on you being a Fed), then maybe when you see a brown person genuinely calling for your death, then maybe you should stop and think about why they would think that. In the meantime, stop the leftist infighting and trying to sow division. Plus you explicitly say that Marxism is about “violent revolution”. I’m personally in favor of exploiting any means to enact my political agenda. I strongly favor non-violence largely as a self preservation tactic. And as has been the case in any revolution, the level of violence will be determined by the oppressive force.

    Not today CIA, nice try FBI

  • Hahahahahahahaha, oh that’s a good bit. I have never seen better proof of “cut a liberal and a fascist bleeds” than when it comes to Ukraine and Israel. Zelensky came to power after a right wing coup orchestrated by the CIA, his corrupt government has pilfered billions of dollars in aid, and he’s suspended elections. I can’t wait for a couple years from now when these same libs are making excuses for Trump suspending elections and the Supreme Court eliminating presidential term limits.

  • Once x86 macOS became stable around snow leopard I switched from Linux to macOS full time on my mobile machines. For years home brew was a shining light to get a decent tool chain installed to be able to do development. But somewhere around the time they changed to naming macOS releases after places in California, both home brew and macOS started changing in ways that made it harder to maintain a stable development environment. Why and when did it start deciding to upgrade every package I have installed when I try to install a new package? It regularly broke both mine and our developers’ machines and I finally had enough of both. Stay away from home brew if you want your working development environment to continue working 6 months later. It WILL break when you need it most and cost you hours if not days of work to fix. I’ve never ran home brew on Linux but it’s honestly not anything I would ever consider even when it worked well.