“but but but they voted for Drumpf!!!”
Nobody is doing this though. That’s lib shit.
is literally anybody doing this
There’s the Slammer post which is coated in enough layers of irony that I can’t confidently tell you whether I have any issue with it.
it’s pretty weird to be getting mad at fellow hexbears for making jokes about this when almost the entire internet is covered with Zionists celebrating far worse things happening simultaneously though.
oh, so we’re just doing another struggle session on “infinite genocide on the first world” / “america deserved 9/11” i guess
They did deserve it though. Like they literally armed the perpetrators
Trained and funded them as well. Almost as if it served the long term goals of empire or something.
it’s pretty weird to be getting mad at fellow hexbears for making jokes about this when almost the entire internet is covered with Zionists celebrating far worse things happening simultaneously though.
This tbh, hell, the western internet always seems to mock when disasters happen in China, and are generally absolutely vile about the whole global south and AES countries. YanKKKees love to take the piss but they have paper-thin skin.
People shouldn’t be celebrating the hurricanes (unless it hits DC, in which case, based and infinite support, for any comrades out there living in the most concentrated core of greed, malice, and all modern evils it isn’t personal) but I don’t see anyone doing that here. Joking about it though is another matter… it may not be the best praxis, and if it’s really bothering people it should stop, but it’s definitely the sort of thing (being treated with kid gloves) that the west always takes, and never gives- naturally people aren’t going to just forget that.
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Today I learned Wall Street is in DC.
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the western internet always seems to mock when disasters happen in China
but it’s definitely the sort of thing (being treated with kid gloves) that the west always takes, and never gives- naturally people aren’t going to just forget that.
That’s stooping to an asinine level that is ascribing “the west” to all these working and lumpen victims, many of which are LITERALLY COLONIZED PEOPLE, to what you personally see on reddit and twitter by petty bourgeois insular misanthropes in suburbs. this is an unhinged mindset that is counter productive to anything good, and is putting you on par with the suburbanite and rich outer-city misanthropes instead of better than them. This is no better than the neoliberal psychopaths laughing when Texas runs out of water when Black, Latino, and Indigenous Americans make up the majority in that state and face the worst brunt of the consequences. It’s fucked up people do this, it’s especially fucked up to take great lengths to try to defend it. It is insular misanthropy with no rooting in reality (Do you really think any meaningful percentage of these victims too poor to leave the regions facing mass-death from capitalism’s destruction of the planet are the same people you see on Twitter being fascist?) and it is outright reactionary.
There you go, burgering it up. Anyone else without the burger-brain worms can get exactly what I mean.
That’s stooping to an asinine level that is ascribing “the west” to all these working and lumpen victims, many of which are LITERALLY COLONIZED PEOPLE
Way to put words in my mouth there. As someone who is also exactly what you describe (lumpen colonized POC). But yes, surely, the wholesome chungus settler-imperial core is wholly devoid of responsibility and people pointing out the hypocrisy is the height of misanthropy and psychopathy, and any humor or irony found in such a situation is unequivocally directed towards the most innocent BIPOC babies and apolitical lumpen rather than the broader society and global inequalities as a whole, and even pointing it out or having the sentiment is the equivalent of a little genocide. Didn’t’cha know, when you say “mag bar Amrika” there’s a little black, indigenous USAmerican baby that falls right down dead.
It’s fucked up burgers have these pretentious and self-righteous expectations of infinite virtue, respect, and placidity from the rest of the world, but start crying foul and malding when their society is called to task for not doing the same (rather the opposite). It’s especially fucked up to take great lengths to try to defend it. It is insular Americacentrism, cartoonish levels of uncharitable extrapolation (so as to find perceived slight) and disproportionate reaction, a dismissiveness of the global context of inequality and exploitation by the imperial cores, and an unqualified and arbitrary absolution with no rooting in reality of the broader societal guilt within colonial society done through said uncharitable extrapolations.
(Do you really think any meaningful percentage of these victims too poor to leave the regions facing mass-death from capitalism’s destruction of the planet are the same people you see on Twitter being fascist?)
Once again, where did I say that? I said it shouldn’t be celebrated. But no, people finding humor or irony in the tables turning, not being bottomless wells of empathy and infinite tolerance for the broader context of western-characteristic selectivism, or not personally laying down and mourning YanKKKee disasters (to which there is almost always no reciprocity) is not some “unlimited genocide on AmeriKKKans” or whatever you seem to think it is (do you really think that any meaningful or sensible interpretation of what I said, or of what is being said in this thread- rather than what is being referred to with vague accusatory gestures, is the same as calling for or mocking the death of all the poorest and disenfranchised in Burgerstan?) and is, as I said in my original post, truly an issue of blundering about with no societal or contextual self-awareness and yet paper-thin skin.
unless it hits DC, in which case, based and infinite support, for any comrades out there living in the most concentrated core of greed, malice, and all modern evils it isn’t personal
I love DC and I’m trying to move there, but also this take is correct
Out of curiosity, what is good about DC except the museums?
It’s one of approximately 3 walkable cities in the country, has the best transit system in the country, great weather, tons of parks and trees and greenery, and it’s dense without having super tall skyscrapers
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Except the sidewalks almost NEVER have any shade so during the summer months you will be BOILING ALIVE
Eh compared to every city in Florida DC is a shaded heaven
Well you ca-
Actually I plead the fifth
Not to dox myself but I’d be glad if a nuke hit the city I lived in because it would be a net positive to society
Also not to dox myself, but if it happened here as well, I can guarantee we (the country) asked for it, and the world would be better off for it (net positive as you said). Honestly, while it would be utterly tragic and would wipe out much of my immediate family as well and likely my partner and I as well in the aftermath- I’d go so far as to say that if Yellowstone had a massive eruption (of the worst scale imaginable), so long as the US doesn’t launch the nukes to bring the rest of the world down with them (entirely possible, maybe even more likely than not) the rest of humanity would be better off (despite the resulting volcanic winter and likely famines that would cause, and the massive disruption or more accurately destruction of much of the modern world economy).
Things are just that bad, and the west is only trying to force the world to even worse. They (the west) only have terrorism now to offer the world; their system is defunct (anyone here should already understand that much, even if it’s Hexbear) and is at such a point where it is literally cannibalizing itself and not just destructive and inefficient (as rentier/exploitative behavior always was), but wholly counterproductive to actual production and real wealth (not talking about capital, and wealth can be held either in private or public/proletarian control but you get what I mean) and prosperity, and destroying itself and trying to drag the rest of the world down with it to sustain its contradictions. And that’s before getting into the multiple pressing crises their system is causing- climate change, nuclear war, pandemics, neoliberalism…
CENTCOM feeling the wrath of Poseidon is objectively funny.
Shame about the rest of Tampa doe.
SOCOM is also headquartered there lol
SOCOM deez nuts
I think there are some…Citations Needed
Oh sure it’s “Another Kkkrakkka down” this and “unlimited genocide on the first world” that. But as soon as someone celebrates Amerikkkan vampires finally suffering suddenly it’s all “no not like that.”
The issue here is there are non shitheads also suffering
The word “unlimited” does imply that, yes
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fuck it if i get hate for this but i don’t want to wish genocide on anyone, ironically or not
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but i don’t want to wish genocide on anyone, ironically or not
Not even the Gamers™?!
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Florida is using civilian hostages
Ok so only limited genocide on the first world then.
You think internally colonized people are first world?
I think you’re taking my shitposting very seriously.
… People were doing that? Here?
I’m not celebrating, I’m worshiping the angry storm god so it doesn’t come for me.
Literally the only silver lining I can find in this whole thing is that it could potentially destroy the home insurance industry to the point that Florida becomes completely unlivable. If nothing can be insured nobody can live there. That’s kinda the only good thing that could possibly happen out of this.
Also all violence against settlers is self defense and I gotta say this specific event is 100% mother nature being violent in self defense.
Also all violence against settlers is self defense and I gotta say this specific event is 100% mother nature being violent in self defense.
Gonna toss in my own spicy take: climate disaster is the genocide of the poor by the rich, and framing it in this manner absolves the perpetrators.
Not to workers who have nowhere else to go
This is just the Clerks Death Star contractors debate all over again.
I mean if living there requires expensive rebuilding every year against encroaching floodwater that will only get worse getting poor people out of the way early is probably the best outcome you can get in this satanic country. It will be very bad, but that goes without saying in Amerikkka.
If this was a satanic country we wouldn’t have these problems.
We must be meeting different Satanists cuz most I’ve met were essentially libertarians.
“Um, actually Satanists are good” is a take you see all the time, which is wild because, 1) there are two kinds and one is literally a heretical Christian sect that worships what they believe is the devil and 2) the other ones are just libertarian trolls. They deserve critical support when fuckin with fundamentalist Christians who want their pastors in our public schools and at basically zero other times.
those church of satan (read : sparkling atheist meritocracy) clowns would be so mad to be left out
no but really, do check out r/satanism sometime. they literally can’t help themselves, you’ll understand what i mean in no time.
The great Satan is satanic. What are you trying to say here?
That’s actually fucking true lmaoo
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Ah yes, the poor people who couldn’t achieve enough enlightenment to choose their incarnation are totally to blame for being born in Florida.
Fuck off with this goofy shit. Sins of the father is dumb as fuck and even the monotheists realized this a long time ago.
Where did I say literally any of what you just said.
It is inevitable. As a Floridian our insurance industry is on pace to crash head on into a wall and nobody can stop it. We COULD MAYBE expand Citizen’s, which is a government run/backed insurance that is currently only used for those who otherwise cannot get insurance anywhere else, but nope. Our Republican leadership absolutely don’t want that. Instead they deliberately make sure Citizens is just this side of too expensive as not to “compete” with the market and if you qualify for any other insurance they must kick you off of it.
The failure of insurance in Florida is such a huge strike against capitalism and they know that and will do anything to make sure it doesn’t happen. In fact, recently they relaxed regulations for small shop insurers here. What that means is we will have more startup insurance companies insure people for cheap, get more claims against them on a big hurricane than they have capital, pay out what they can and leave everyone else in the weeds. Total loss. It’s fucked.
And they won’t even be the first. We have an official graveyard dedicated to all the insurers killed this way. Another for the pile.
Insurance as a private industry is so stupid. They extract profits to protect people from catastrophic losses, but then when something catastrophic happens, the government has to step in to save the industry. We’ve seen it with the risk pools that states have had to create to keep health insurers from pulling out of rural areas, with last resort programs for home insurance and flood insurance, the AIG bailout, and the built in bailouts of Obamacare.
Why do they get to collect the profits if they don’t cover the risks?
You can tell it’s a good system that isn’t feudalism with extra steps when the company you give money to every month can just rug pull you and decide you can’t have houses anymore
I think the chickens coming home to roost gives people a bit of schadenfreude. Which I think is fine in the abstract, but when it becomes “I want to see these people suffer” yeah I agree, bad take.
It’s the fact that Florida politicians are spearheading the gutting of federal disaster relief that’s insane to me. You’d think that would be one thing that they’d support. Kinda how North Carolina Republicans are actually surprisingly good with healthcare stuff sometimes because it’s an issue that directly effects their voter base and state employee healthcare costs.
I think the rest of us are dumbfounded with the spectacle that is natural disasters in the Southeast. I support Floridian refugees taking our black jobs, living in our hotels and eating our cats. I refuse to expend the CO2 needed to rebuild their state, time for this project of annual reconstruction for a minority of folks to enjoy some beaches and palm trees to end.
Perfection. Obviously (due to prior struggle sessions) this is not cheering on the hurricane or laughing at the victims when I say this, but this is exactly how the US has been treating Haitians (and the entire world) distilled down into one sentence. Actually- not quite “exactly”- unlike with Haiti where the US is pretty much explicitly, directly guilty for the overwhelming majority of Haiti’s two centuries of suffering post-independence- we aren’t, none of us are guilty of inflicting this upon the US; in fact, while the masses could be ascribed varying levels of guilt and non-guilt, the settler-colonial destructive nation-project of AmeriKKKa is likely directly responsible for inflicting this upon its own people and creating the conditions where this misery would be exacerbated and prolonged.
The gall of (certain, specific, however not at all remotely miniscule in number) Americans in spreading blood libel against Haitians- not only on unfounded claims, but for issues that could and should if true be directly attributable to two centuries of American invasions, occupations, regime changes, and plundering and agricultural as well as economic imperialism, always struck me as particularly vile, when Haiti’s never-ending food crises (manufactured mass famines, rather) are entirely AmeriKKKa’s fault, the fault of all those (bipartisan- honestly I suspect the DNC is more guilty even considering the KKKlinton’s notorious abuses of the nation) assorted Hitlerites who occupy the highest positions of power, wealth, and prestige in the regime, and when Haiti even now is being trodden down by hired Kenyan comprador boots, something their respective US embassy is on record describing their responsibility for arranging.
but we still get to laugh if desantis gets swept out to see or a road sign through the pancreas right?
fingers crossed that comrade trees put another republican governor in a wheelchair
Funnier if it kills him and then the next storm sucks his coffin out to sea and we get actual crabs dancing on him
Poetic justice if he gets slapped in the face from a flying Disney sign
Stop causing so much climate change then?
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Yeah but Floridaman kept buying those giant trucks that get 7mpg and “rolling coal” in them to “own the libs”
I can dream that this storm will enact justice on those dumb fucks but I know it’s going to hurt poor black and Hispanic communities the hardest, like usual, while porky and the klan take minimal damage.
It was me. I did the warming
If Florida was a country, it would be the 25th worst carbon emitter - compare to Spain with similar emissions but more than twice the population. That’s not even a consumption measure either.
It’s very hard to have sympathy for a place that has some of the most motive, opportunity and means to address climate change and instead does the opposite.
Anyway we’re locked into barbarism or socialism.
Outside of the Miami Metrorail and the Tri-county Tri-rail we basically have no public transit in Florida outside of uncovered bus stops. In Florida where we have a monsoon season for half the year and it’s 80% humidity and 40 Celcius.
It’s not just the carbon. Every storm the moment a statewide emergency is declared we have every municipality and big agriculture entity emptying their overflow into the Everglades, bays, and rivers. Come to Clearwater Beach and enjoy our sugar sand beaches and leave with flesh eating bacteria and anti-biotic resistant infections. Fun in the sun!
I haven’t seen much “celebrating” anywhere except lib circles. Even then its dogshit quips about how Florida is gonna flip blue. Hardcore lib nonsense.
I was saying “THE Americans, The”
No one who speaks German could be an evil man.