Sounds like a VRAM problem (as in not enough).
Sounds like a VRAM problem (as in not enough).
It’s under the features section (where it says co-op, controller support etc.). Should be highlighted in yellow for all 3rd party requirements (including kernel and non-kernel anti-cheat).
Steam has it listed on the demo, and it will likely be listed upon release, not sure what their stance is on pre-release, but this is a requirement now on steam to list it.
Can confirm it is an Origin key, not a steam key, you cannot get a Steam version from this month of Humble Choice.
Try Canada Computers or Best Buy.
It’s likely more of an issue with individual server populations rather than shard populations. I was watching some streams with people with display info on showing their shard and auth server, and one in pyro was sitting at like 5-8 server fps vs. Area18 at 22-28 server fps, both in the same shard.
OpenFPGA on the Analogue Pocket is official.
This looks like a raspberry pi clock project, with a Mario theme - it’s not a terrible price if you don’t want to build it yourself (at least I think) - but I doubt you can customize like a self built one.
Also if you make your own you’ll probably get sued, so just don’t sell it I guess lol
Real players just slide under all their belts.
I think in Sony’s case a reasonable alternative is to just refund, which is what they’re doing anyways. There’s no way a full refund would not be considered a true option, so I think the Concord side is a bit irrelevant to the primary issue of server owners shutting down servers for old games and keeping the money.
I like how unapologetically purple they are
IW4x exists if you want to mod the original MW2 with dedicated servers, been meaning to try it for a while so can’t comment on its popularity
Cheating is definitely a problem in SF6, but it’s a lot less of a challenge dealing with it due to match duration. You generally move on to different opponents fast enough, unless of course you’re at the highest ranks.
Still agree that kernel level anti-cheat does nothing here, and I also won’t be buying it due to that reason.
How do you feel about Doom-likes from 30 years ago?
If we’re being fair, they made the one of the most impressive devices in that category currently - it’s just that category doesn’t really have the tech behind it to deliver what most people want as usable. I do agree though if they had marketed as a VR headset it would have been personally more interesting, but the true vision of the AVP category has yet to be fully realized by any company.
Introversion still exists and wasn’t sold, they’re making a somewhat similar game now - The Last Starship.
With newer versions of Steam, it’s just handled automatically as long as you enable it, you can download from other players on the network. True not all games are on steam, and this probably works well for massive LAN setups, but I tried and failed to set this up, it’s a bit of a pain and personally found it not worth the effort.
You’ve always been able to change it for built in applications (messages, mail, phone, etc.). I assume the above poster was joking? Or maybe there’s some nuanced feature they added around it recently.
Let’s be honest the people who would defend their ROI have lost interest in defending it to the unwilling. Star Citizen has become a cat call to all the haters whenever it’s posted in general gaming (namely r/games and c/games now) communities. The only way the narrative changes is by showing not telling, and that only happens with further polishing like this article is covering, and in future release.
There is a reason they’ve successfully increased pledge numbers year over year, you just don’t hear from people outside that community due to this stigma that’s not worth bothering to explain.
I’m not actually sure what this video is trying to say. It’s framed as some hit piece that is exposing lies, except all they’re exposing is that they’ve accurately stated how many employees and contractors they had working on the game at any time.
This video is grasping at straws, or I’ve completely misunderstood the vibe, and they’re applauding the accuracy - if so it could be framed much better.