I’m not actually sure what this video is trying to say. It’s framed as some hit piece that is exposing lies, except all they’re exposing is that they’ve accurately stated how many employees and contractors they had working on the game at any time.
This video is grasping at straws, or I’ve completely misunderstood the vibe, and they’re applauding the accuracy - if so it could be framed much better.
I’m not actually sure what this video is trying to say. It’s framed as some hit piece that is exposing lies, except all they’re exposing is that they’ve accurately stated how many employees and contractors they had working on the game at any time.
This video is grasping at straws, or I’ve completely misunderstood the vibe, and they’re applauding the accuracy - if so it could be framed much better.
it’s all that channel has ever done, gets an easy down vote and move on from me