But, but … the loot.
But, but … the loot.
Sanctuary has had a pretty big buff from the Table Top, from “Wis Save to Attack Target” to “Can’t Attack Target”. It’s so good in fact it has a permanent preperation slot on Shadowheart alongside Command, Guiding Bolt, and Healing Word.
Not really an environmental thing but Hunger of Hadar(1/2 Movement & DOT) + Plant Growth (1/4 Movement) is basically a death trap covering a massive area for anything without Freedom of Movement.
Just be careful of candles otherwise your Plant Growth will turn into a massive fire ground hazard rather than Difficult Terrain.
MC: GOO Bladelock 6/Paladin 6 - You need a frontliner and that comp noticeably doesn’t have one.
Shadowheart: Light or Tempest Cleric 11/Druid 1 - Druid lvl adds a ton of spells, Shillelagh, and only delays progression by one lvl. Polymorph the defining spell that made Trickery domain was pretty severely nerfed in game so you will want to change her subclass.
Gale: Conjuration Wizard 12 - Wizards are great and Benign Transportation is super handy.
Astarion: Thief Rogue 3/Swords Bard 7 - Sharpshooter Duel-wield Hand-crossbows. It’s a Machinegun. Plus you end up with a ton skills and Expertise.
This is typically handled by flairs on game specific subreddits pretty handily. I think they are supported on Feddiverse.
I swap party members in and out a lot, mostly for story reasons, but here is how I built them:
Yes, but if you want the full Bhaalspawn experience you will want to start with the Dark Urge origin.
I won’t say any more than that to avoid spoilers.
Solasta is probably the closest for a 5e based system.
Solid UI for all of 5e’s base actions with popup menus for items and spells. It also has significantly better navigation for vertical movement/aim.
Larian changed Fast Hands to “you can make an additional bonus action”, which makes it pretty insane.
It’s certainly a niche ability, but it does effectively function as a Dash action + bonus action Attack with a +5 bonus to the damage roll and an unlimited # of uses. For races with reduced mobility this is almost the equivalent of gaining Cunning Action Dash with a feat. It can be about as good as the +2 ASI on certain builds.
The bigger issue is that it’s competing with feats like GWM, Sharpshooter, and Tavern Brawler. So it just isn’t worth picking up until much later in the game and only on builds with at least 3 feat selections.
You go Thief Rogue 3 for Athletics Expertise, Cunning Action, and Fast Hands.
The extra bonus action is super handy when paired with GWM, Reckless Attack, and Rage. Your first round is: pop Rage, run up and Reckless Attack, and hopefully you crit (happens ~2/3rds of the time, almost every time if Hasted) for the bonus action attack. Berzerker insures you have that BA attack every round, but you get one so often from GWM that I don’t really bother so I would actually recommend Wildheart or Wild Magic instead.
Not procing SA damage doesn’t even matter since the build generally puts out so much damage (80-160/round at lvl 8) that nothing in their vicinity really survives.
Current party
Karlach’s build is nuts. She’s dealing 80-160 dmg per round when hasted and there just isn’t much that can survive a round next to her. That said I’m considering respecing her to Wild Magic or Wildheart since I’m not using Frenzied Strike that much. She Crits so much that I’ve mostly been using GWM’s bonus action attack and the Jump AOE thunder dmg from the maul I have her using.
Astarion’s is almost as good but CBE’s nerf really hurt. Though with the current stealth mechanics this build could probably solo the game.
Edit: Respeced Lae’zel and just about doubled her DPR. Also adjusted Astarion as Gloomstalker was nerfed from tabletop.
So I managed to do it on my first attempt in Tactician, but I’m a veteran of WotR and Kingmaker’s Unfair difficulty so I know when I have to focus a mage.
Karlach was clutch in this fight. I picked up GWM for her at 4 and kitted her out for move speed/momentum and wisdom saves. She is basically a juggernaut. Between GWM, Frenzy, Haste, and Reckless Attack she deals an average of 60-120 damage per round. There is a maul that applies the Chilled status on hit so he was never even able to heal and went down at the start of round 2. I did get kind of lucky though as she rolled well on initiative and landed two crits.
I’ve played my fair share of PC RPGs (BioWare games, Fallout,…) but never something like this. Is there anything that compares to it? I can imagine it’s a slow pace kind of game?
Pathfinder Kingmaker & WotR, Solasta, Pillars of Eternity, and Planescape Torment to name a few. Nevermind the fact that BG1 and BG2 are also some of the best ever produced in the genre. Oh, and Larian has their own finger on the landscape with Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2, the games which got them the license.
First run I hate using guides.
After that though Wikis, like the pretty damn good BG3.wiki, are greate for designing builds and finding hidden items. Just be aware that they are in the process of updating right now.
Fextralife and it’s ilk can burn as they are fucking awful. Their Pathfinder WotR guide is almost worthless as they don’t update their wikis after their launch refresh.
It’s a well executed CRPG with high graphical fidelity set in a beloved IP. You usually only get two of those three.
It’s basically the equivalent of playing tabletop 5e with Larian as the DM.
There isn’t anything as broken as the Infinite AP Ice Knight or Unkillable Summoner, but high lvl Wizard and Sorcerers will be able to quickly end encounters late game in one or two rounds if you run a metabuild like Tempest Cleric/Storm Sorcerer.
I’ve been playing on tactician mode and it’s quite a bit harder than DOS2 due to the more limited action economy, but much easier than some other CRPGs like Pathfinder:WotR.
Teleportation spells that function for creatures such as Dimension Door, Misty Step, etc. also transport objects that the creatures are wearing or carrying.
As to the source the spell specifically states creature.
A shimmering portal opens within the circle you drew and remains open until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters the portal instantly appears within 5 feet of the destination circle or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
This is a fairly important distinction as there are other higher lvl spells, specifically Gate, that allow for the transport of anything.
Travel through the portal is possible only by moving through its front. Anything that does so is instantly transported to the other plane, appearing in the unoccupied space nearest to the portal.
That said your strategy might allow for the use of heavily armored kamakazi Kobolds carrying dynamite.
Doesn’t the spell only work on Creatures?
You could table rule this out, but given that your Empire is effectively a nexus city state it could be wiped out fairly quick if the party managed to gain control of said tower or built one of their own. Heck an Illusionist with Mislead and a little luck could probably wipe out the city by impersonating the Emperor.
Either. If you hit the enemy it effects the ground they are standing on as well but you can also target the ground so long as the spell doesn’t specify creature(like Sacred Flame).