sapient [they/them]

Autistic queer trans²humanist and anarchist. Big fan of dense cities, code, automation, neurodiversity, and self-organising resilient networks.

Pronouns: they/them, xe/xem, ze/zem

Favourite Programming Language: Rust

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  • 16 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Extremely, iirc. According to wikipedia:

    It is extremely contagious: nine out of ten people who are not immune and share living space with an infected person will be infected.[5] Furthermore, measles’s reproductive number estimates vary beyond the frequently cited range of 12 to 18,[17] with a 2017 review giving a range of 3.7 to 203.3

    For context the reproductive number (average number of unexposed people a carrier will infect) of the most virulent strains of COVID-19 is 3-8. See: (basic vs effective rate refers to the infectiveness in a naive population vs one which is taking measures and/or has immunity).

    This is also all exponential so small increases in R number have big impacts nya.

  • Oeganise, organise, organise!

    Talk to like-minded people, offline and online. Form affinity groups and friend groups (perhaps one and the same :p), learn information security (everyone should do this), organise mutual aid for things like housing and such (think underground railroad), learn graphic design to produce leaflets, archive vital information, and learn community defense. Don’t let the shock tactics prevent you from acting!

    It doesnt have to be everything, cooperation allows different people to contribute their own skills, and communities can support each other through the perfectly valid terror to keep surviving and resisting in all the ways.

    Good luck!

  • Never let the nazis gaslight you or certain american media channels try to pan away and deemphasise what he did in their footage. If anyone tries to claim this was not a nazi salute, just point them to this few-seconds-long comparison video, maybe download with yt-dlp (cw: nazis doing nazi stuff like chanting) nya.

    Also I’m autistic and nazi salutes are not stimming or simple social difference or whatever.

    Stims are usually repetitive and/or simple motions or behaviours or similar (e.g. I stim by jumping up and down or repeating phrases or spinning my arms in circles, sometimes from happiness and sometimes as a way to regulate emotions), and not a complex deliberate action. That salute was a deliberate and non-repetitive action. I could see the bit at the start where he walks around and moves his arms up and down repeatedly being a stim, but the other stuff? And specifically the nazi salute? No.

    Plus autistic people are not on the whole less capable of understanding ethics^1 or empathising (though we may have trouble reading non-autistic social cues or emotional states and thought processes, but if we understand what someone is feeling we experience empathy, though of course there are variations on that just like with non-autistic people, if you want to know more just look up the double empathy problem :p). He knows what he was doing.

    I’m sick of people (usually bad faith actors of course but still) blaming this shit on autisticness and autistic people. Its like people think that being autistic just means being a dick and not caring about other people (of course, there are plenty of dickish autistic people just like there are of any other group of people nya). And its especially disgusting given that Nazis attempted to genocide us.

    I do understand that not everyone understands autism very well but come on… its such bullshit <.<

    1: some studies suggest autistic people are actually more likely to follow their own sense of ethics even without social pressure when it would benefit them to break it, though these kinds of tests are done in very limited circumstances and I’ve not really looked at them in that much detail

  • You should not be able to make a huge life changing decision like deciding to be cisgender until you’re an adult.

    How many different “phases” do kids go through? Obviously not in all cases will this be a phase, but what if it is and an irreversible decision to proceed with cisgender puberty is made when they’re too young to fully understand it?

    Clearly, the solution is for all people to be forcefully injected with puberty blockers (or for a more accurate comparison, “opposite sex” hormones) until they’re 18, because they’re too young to know if they’re cis.

    This fake analogy quote was snark, hopefully clearly so, but the point remains >.<. Fuck transphobia - forcing trans kids to be treated as cis is dehumanising and kills people. People aren’t DeCIdInG To ChANgE ThEir GeNDeR because being trans isn’t “”“deciding to change your gender”“”. The level of ignorance and fucked up nonsense in your comment is fractal.

  • Power being priced negative is awesome. We need more of it imo, make energy so abundant that it makes processes that were previously too energy-intensive viable, and enables a massive increase in both residential and grid storage capacity.

    My opinion is that Na-ion batteries are the way for bulk grid storage and apartment/home storage nya.

    They use hyper abundant materials and are now reaching the point of decent endurance, and if you arent bothered by them being heavy (as is the case for grid and residential storage), they’re fairly comparable to Li-Ion without the usage of relatively rare Lithium.

  • Fuck this bioessentialist piece of trash.

    I don’t believe in any god, but even if I did I would not think such an entity had any right to dictate or make judgements on who I am and how I am, or my identity or purpose.

    I’m so goddamn sick of this bullshit. I get to decide who I am and set my own path, fuck these people who think they get to tell me (and everyone else) what my life and body and purpose and identity are >:(

    Really, I can’t even begin to describe how much I hate this sort of patronising bullshit, how many of us have to suffer or die because of the relentless repressive normativity imposed by these groups and their infantilising ideologies of self repression and obedience and compliance, especially with the “dignity” and “diversity” doublespeak they’ve been trying to use in the past few months even while they systematically try to erase those very same things from anyone who doesn’t fit into their suffocatingly binary and restricted conceptualisation of identity nya.

    Our biology, identity and lives should be ours to control. We are capable of deciding our goals and purposes. I frankly hope more people realise they don’t need some patronising religious institution to tell them how they should exist or what their purpose should be (if any, some folks are more nihilistic), and seize their morphological autonomy and decision making from groups that would deny it to them under the guise of such bullshit as supposed “dignity” ^.^

    Seriously, fuck this. The Catholic Church (and this “”“cool”“” pope), as well as pretty much all the other organised religious institutions who propagate the same infantilising and self-subjugating rhetoric, can go fuck themselves with a cactus in every available hole.

  • Its all bioreactionary stuff, really. Its always been about control and conformity to their idea of a “”“natural”“” role.

    Using technology to aid in reproduction is seen as bad because it’s doing something “”“nature”“”/“”“god”“” did not dictate you do as per their highly authoritarian worldview.

    Basically anything that would let you have agency over your body is hated by these people, because their real ideology is one of control, social and physical conformity, and obedience (to “god”, to what’s “natural”, to repressive social norms, to churches, to parents - these folks view children as property, to whatever hierarchy exists, to some strongman leader, etc. :/)

    The same logic applies to something as comparatively minor as hairdye or piercings - they always freak out about that stuff, ever notice? - to something as major as being trans or the state of someone’s uterus. Its all about control over people’s bodies and minds and identities to what they may deem “natural” (or often “godly”) (which usually involves hierarchies of prejudice as well as opposing any technological means to have control over yourself, and also opposing people’s access to information and critical thinking skills - e.g. promoting internet censorship often of queer groups <.<, or opposing science & critical thinking education).

    Anything that gives people the option to decide for themselves what they want - technologically, socially, informationally - rather than obeying some higher authority (“nature”, “god”, the state, corporations, parents, social norms) is opposed. Anything that demonstrates people have used those methods - such as any kind of transition stuff, miscarrages (because it “could” be due to abortificants nya), or the things mentioned earlier - is to be punished. Socially, monetarily, physically, legally, anything.

  • Think about it this way. Many LGBTQ+ identites have been considered to make people “mentally unwell” (even to this day, the way stuff like being trans or asexual is talked about is… >.<). Or what about, say an autistic person who may do exceptionally well in one part of the test but fail some other parts (or even be unable to complete them).

    This isn’t even starting on the issues of socioeconomic and cultural biases (which have been discussed elsewhere in depth).

    The problem is “mental competency” is a pretty damn flexible concept and one that is frequently weaponised en-masse against various groups of people to strip away agency >.<, as it is often based on ideas which have primarily been from very specific perspectives, which can be malicious (see disenfranchisment of black people), or dehumanisation (see the fact that the Double Empathy Problem associated with autistic people was only really acknowledged in the past 10 years when they actually considered how their behaviour could appear from autistic people’s perspective, and only really because autistic autism researchers got some publishing and papers <.<), or simple incompetence, or any combination.

    There’s many more examples of this, that I haven’t even started covering. The fact is that any “mental competency” requirement for a public office implies some kind of testing and barring process, which is ripe with all the flaws listed many times :p