Yep. It’s not too easy to find usb-c shavers yet though :/
I really like this song. apparently not on Spotify anymore
one day I’ll do my dream of finding a place on earth that is always like those two weeks
Run away from any OCD-like compulsions early, if that could be the case. please
Might try just removing it, pacman -R jre-openjdk
and then pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk
I agree with this. And with the OP. And I haven’t even read their whole post, making this even more legit in a way. Post!
isn’t it? I could swear it is
so when you kiss your anus becomes a mouth. there’s a a south park episode in there somewhere
rofl thanks, nice laugh for a Monday
I’m disgusted. Have an upvote.
Librera on Android, with reading mode on and at night Red Moon as well. Very convenient.
Godzilla is like really small huh