Still a very green banana.
Fuck Texas.
not without both parties showing ids first
two party system is beyond broken at this point and this is just as bad as the Democrats wasting a billion on the election possibly pocketing a lot of it
voting is not working and hasn’t for decades
Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X knew that voting was not the only tool to fight oppression and were killed for it
been time to march to the white house again and has been for hot minute
“It might not seem important, but it’s actually really important. And it could determine the fate of the country,” he said. “This election is going to affect everyone in the United States.”
does not seem important because it is not important
if it were important than what the fuck happened the last important times some being full on wins for Democrats but somehow minimum wage, healthcare, worker’s rights, and everything else the “Democrats” supposedly stand for never happen and always gets blamed on Republicans even when had the majority
When the President’s party holds the majority in both chambers, it is considered a unified government. Since 1857, the government has been unified 48 times, 23 under Democratic control and 25 under Republican control.
Democrats have failed us 23 times and Republicans 25 times
how many more elections before it is realized that neither party has the interest of the people at heart
miss when computing was affordable enough for more people
we got the new modern equivalent of the guten press but it is becoming something only elite can afford
same as a pcie 4.0 does not run well on 3.0
again more than just performance
both amd and nvidia are now on the same price with low stock
9070 xt costs more at this current moment in the US as a 5070 but just barely and the 9070 xt is lower on stock
neck and neck on performance
and in terms of costs you forgot to add in new motherboard costs because these are pcie 5.0
lot more than just the final cost at checkout
just get an office call taker and if it gets bad be like everywhere else that just stops answering when the digits ring if they even have any
“Drug traffickers and smugglers were exploiting the fact that Canadians could use the U.S. entrance without going through customs. We are ending such exploitation by criminals and protecting Americans,” the statement said.
no more drugs or nudie pics from libraries by God!
some of us here are not watching because we have been living in a dual state and anyone who has had to deal with our legal system will say the same thing
If France can do it so can us here in the United States
“They want to know if the people of America are going to stand up to Trumpism, oligarchy,” Sanders said to a cheering crowd.
fuck y’all
been nowhere for decades and country been needing a revolution but just now decide to do something acting like MLK
where was this “energy” a decade ago or two or at any time? Trump is just the latest spokesperson and not the only time we faced shit like this
if another rally is held most likely be in a blue state and odds are these two are just opportunistically cashing out like last time
Seen a lot of leopards ate my face comments for the right but definitely applies here too
Anyone in the know about the United States and the history of this great country would steer fucking clear of it
Been here my whole life and even witnessed KKK marching openly with support downtown like some dystopian pride parade and it was a scheduled
Shit done in MLK’s days still happen
People are still underpaid living on a constantly polluted planet with shitty underfunded schools with no healthcare nor unity kept in place with the help of jackboots
This young student really thought the United States was anything but a country ran by a shadow group that use the elderly as puppets
Ah to be young again
get the fuck out of here with this horseshit
not “trading down” called starving because nobody is paid enough
US dissident here
in favor of the opposite
please Cananda annex us for our sakes and the world at large
not a far-off comment
most people from the United States think it is all gravy and that something will always act as a stopgap because Murica’ By GOD!
how we got here and any dissenters of opinion here are down talked in the same manner as Zelenskyy was by Trump
and how we were able to get here was more jackboots, less attention paid to funding education, shitting on the enviroment, not paying living wages or offering healthcare, etcetera
been a stepping stone
my grandfather was told this his entire life and he told his kid this horseshit and then I was told this my whole life
when the fuck do we get done stepping?
thanks Democrats for selling us out as much as the Republicans do but hey people will still rush out to vote for either of them