My weakness is tiramisu, it’s so frickin good. Hook me up with a piece of that and I’m in heaven.
But what about you, what dessert item really moves your meter?
C’mon, you can’t ask us to pick just one. Sometimes you feel like something creamy, sometimes you want crunchy, at times even fruity.
Actually, it’s cheesecake. This week. Because my wife has banned it from the house.
Creamy, crunchy, fruity? What you want is Eton Mess.
I agree with your wife. No cheesecake in the house.
…also, I don’t like cheesecake.
…also, I don’t like cheesecake.
Are you an alien? Welcome to Earth.
When people eat cereal, there’s generally one debate. Milk first, or cereal first?
Would it interest you to know that I don’t like milk on my cereal AT ALL? No milk please!
Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?
Or that I don’t like dark chocolate?
I’m trying to think of other things people think is crazy that I don’t like…
OH! Mac and Cheese.
I also find it strange that people will defend pineapple on pizza as being “not wrong, just let people enjoy what they enjoy” but will throw a hissy fit if someone were to eat a hot dog sideways, or sit on a toilet backwards (which originally was the intended method).
Or that with the exception of corn, I eat all my vegitables raw only?
Even potatoes?
Ya know, I never thought of potatos as vegitables. But now that I think about it, corn and potatos.
I used to snack on raw peeled potatoes, but I definitely enjoyed them more if they were cooked/baked/fried/mashed.
Plain af New York style cheesecake. You weirdos that put berries on it are strange.
I don’t do much dessert any more.
Carrot cake with a lot of cinnamon and cardamom and cream cheese frosting is the biggest exception. Or just like chocolate chip banana bread.
A big bowl of sleep
Throw some Costco Ghirardelli brownie mix in a mug
Add a little milk and stir
Microwave for roughly 45 seconds, until it starts bubbling, then quickly stop
Throw some vanilla ice cream on top
Eat it up with a glass of milk on the side
Fuckin delightful man
I have all these things right now in the house. omg. Yet I’ve already gone to bed and I don’t want the cats thinking they can finagle another midnight snack out of me if I get back up to putter around the kitchen. Dessert for breakfast it shall be!
What was it like? :D
homemade ice cream sundaes
i went to an ice cream parlor once and ordered a banana split, but they were out of bananas. And while i did not go immediately across the street and buy a single banana from the grocery store right there, i decided that it was worth it during my next grocery run to purchase a carton of ice cream and some toppings and make them at home. and I’ve been doing that at home for almost two years now as my go to dessert
You should share with us what your general recipe is, if you’d like to of course :)
my go to right now is Neapolitan, a banana, some chopped walnuts, chocolate chips, and chocolate syrup. Not quite a true banana split, but more like whatever is easy to get in bulk. And I’ll swap around the ice cream and occasionally the toppings depending on mood and availability. There was one point where we had some strawberries leftover after making waffles one day so i cooked them up into a syrup and used that as a topping for a while
That sounds really good! The Neapolitan is an interesting choice. I’d probably lean more towards one of the ‘safer’ flavors. Lol
My honey ordered a cookies&cream milkshake at Fuddruckers once upon a time, and they sadly told him they were out of oreos. We teased them so badly about that, they were shamed into going across the street to the store to buy a bag of oreos. I don’t think we went over the line. I hope. We were trying to be lighthearted about it. and we were very appreciative that they fulfilled our order.
A week or two ago, I made my wife some peanut butter cookies, because she really likes those. I decided to keep half the dough in the fridge so I could make more fresh. The next day I grabbed a nice dark chocolate square from a bowl we keep on the counter and thought, “I wonder how the league butter dough would be on this.” Oh my god, it was like the best Reese’s peanut butter cup you’ve ever had. Truly amazing.
I thought this story was going to end with your wife having ate the dough as a midnight snack.
No, she/we didn’t eat it all at once, but none of the rest of it made it into the oven, either.
blackberries and strawberries
Ice cream or frozen custard, especially now that it’s so hot.
Watermelon slices with Tajin spice which is a chili lime spice. The absolute best.
I have both, but I’m not cutting up the watermelon until tomorrow. Will try this.
It’s honestly amazing. Especially with a cold fruity kind of beer on a hot day.
To be honest I’ve been enjoying a bowl of frozen wild blueberries as an evening snack. Good antioxidants and fiber to boot but it tastes like icecream for me.
Or frozen grapes! Many frozen fruits are so, so good and refreshing as snacks
Sticky toffee pudding. Warmed up with some vanilla iced cream.
I’m with you on tiramisu. If I could only have one dessert for the rest of my life, that would be it!
Warm Apple crisp with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!