doing a stolen land acknowledgement after being vocally pro zionist is just bragging
it’s literally that frankie boyle line…
I fucking hate land acknowledgments so fucking much. I’d rather they not do it instead of make a mockery of indigenous people’s suffering and existence.
What does acknowledgment even mean? I acknowledge I stole your land and genocided your people. Reparations? What? No no no, only acknowledgment! You want me to actually give back the things I took from you?
What does acknowledgment even mean? I acknowledge I stole your land and genocided your people. Reparations? What? No no no, only acknowledgment! You want me to actually give back the things I took from you?
It’s a liberal thought terminating cliche that’s supposed to make libs feel better and nothing else. “At least we can talk about it,
so shut the fuck up.”“i see you, i hear you, now sit down”
“I just want to acknowledge that this land was stolen. And that I’LL FUCKING DO IT AGAIN.”
My work just sent out an email wishing everyone a happy fourth of july, with a land acknowledgement in the footer. Pick a lane, motherfuckers.
Legitimate military target
“Subway: Eat Fresh and Freeze” was something used in one of the most recognizable parodies of libertarianism that was written a little over a decade ago
Now it’s barely satire.
Hey, it’s not called that! It’s just called the Grand Pride Parade. Presented by Boeing.
If it’s Boeing I ain’t going
Bold of them to assume that the people cheering were queers and not cishet tourists tbh. There’s a fuckton of those, you learn about it if you try to talk to people at big events like this
Sadly there are a lot of queers who could not give less of a shit about Palestine as long as they get theirs.
There is no LGBT rights until there are Palestinian rights. As long as any one minority group can be oppressed, any minority group can be oppressed.
If only there was a way to thunk that through all these thick skulls.
I wasn’t at the parade but have been there in years past, tons of “ally” tourists there (tbf I’m cishet I guess).
tbf I’m cishet I guess).
Cancelled smh
(tbf I’m cishet I guess).
I don’t make the rules, sorry.
Ok but are you a cishet “ally” or a “cishet” ally
This is what matters. I was a “cishet” ally for years until I found out I wasn’t het and until I found out being cis is silly
Is it possible to remain “cishet” eternally? I kinda like a little gay sex but I don’t want to appropriate bi culture because society totally sees me as het
Yeah but society’s homophobic as fuck and claiming you can’t be bi because your in (or have only had) straight relationships is one of its ways of erasing queer attraction. If you like a little bit of gay alongside your straight no one here will gatekeep you from describing yourself as bi. Society calls me a man - doesn’t mean I am one.
Okay I guess I can be a little bi, as a treat
Another cishet down
I kinda like a little gay sex but
Nothing scream “we care about LGBT peoples” quite like cheering on the police deporting them. Good job liberals
St. Louis is cursed to being home to the worst US corporations, relative to its size at least. Boeing’s military division is there (one of the biggest employers there, former McDonnell Douglas). Mallinckrodt, Monsanto (poisoning our food + inventing agricultural IP), ABInBev (shitty American beer), and Peabody/Arch Coal (coal mining and they also figured out how a corporation can legally shed their pension liabilities. And they all love their performative liberal bullshit. And you can add Michael Brown and all the racism on top of it, too.
Ten years ago Ferguson was a nightmare of neo-jim crow bullshit that was an is hard to believe. Dunno what’s happening there now.
You missed Nestle-Purina and ExpressScripts. And honestly Build-A-Bear lol
Don’t know how I missed those.
Missouri is fucking horrible as a whole. Kansas City is an engineering hotspot. Honeywell, NSC, McDonnell, with bullet factories being the best jobs available to working class people out here.
California delenda est
Pride is a protest. Never forget it
I hate how relevant this poem keeps being
Don’t sleep on the fun history behind it!
… the people who were put in the camps then were Communists. Who cared about them? We knew it, it was printed in the newspapers. Who raised their voice, maybe the Confessing Church? We thought: Communists, those opponents of religion, those enemies of Christians—“should I be my brother’s keeper?”
Then they got rid of the sick, the so-called incurables. I remember a conversation I had with a person who claimed to be a Christian. He said: Perhaps it’s right, these incurably sick people just cost the state money, they are just a burden to themselves and to others. Isn’t it best for all concerned if they are taken out of the middle [of society]? Only then did the church as such take note.
Isn’t that super fun and totally not related to anything else!
What Long Flu Sufferers of the 1918-1919 Pandemic Can Tell Us About Long COVID Today
Horizontal Hostility is an oppressors wet dream. Marginalized groups too busy damaging themselves in their confusion to unite and rise up.
We’ve reached some kind of fucking point in the recuperation of revolutionary fervor, huh?