I see where they were going with this
BOY!GIRL!Was he vandalized too?
That dog looks guilty as hell.
He tried to stop her, but couldn’t.
Every dog I’ve ever had would look guilty when harsh tones were used, regardless of whether the dog had done anything wrong.
My dude lookin’ like the surface of Europa.
Oh wow, that’s awesome. I’ve been reading the 2001: A Space Odyssey trilogy, which centers around Jupiter and Europa, so this helps me visualize the moon! It’s way more cracked with streaks of red than I imagined.
Weeelll, to be fair, I think it’s an enhanced image. Actual moon color is more subdued if I recall. But the enhanced images are always what come to mind for me 😊
Weren’t there four books in that series?
You’re right! 3001: The Final Odyssey. I only have the first three so I didn’t realize there was a fourth. Thanks for mentioning it!
Graffiti ain’t vandalism. I stand by the defendant.
How could you possibly not be woken up by this?
when you come home after a 10 hour shift and just fall on the couch and sleep so you can get up enough energy to eat dinner and kiss your wife
Where 10 hour shifts still are a thing.
10-hour shifts are very common in the US. Working 50 hours a week is fairly common, though sometimes people work four 10-hour days instead of the usual five 8-hour days that people know as a “9 to 5 job.”
I was recently looking at a job listing where they were hiring for 2 shifts of the same role. The first was 50 hours a week working 10-hour days from 7am to 5pm, and the second shift worked 42 hour weeks with four 9-hour days where you worked from 3pm to midnight and then a shortened 6 hour day on Fridays. These kinds of schedules are the norm in manufacturing and logistics jobs, and in my experience, the higher your salary and the more senior your role, the fewer hours you’re expected to work. And you might even get benefits like vacation time and sick days/pay!
oh in the united states they can legally work us to death it’s capitalism++ over here
homie in the pic is wearing a Raiders jersey so probably in the states.
Doesn’t mean that’s the truth to the photo but it’s an educated guess, as he mentioned he had to work overnight which probably meant a double shift or similar.
Still, he has wife, daughter and dog, so…
Where are 10 hour shifts not a thing? Has there been some wierd place where shifts have gotten shorter dispite people being unable to afford anything?
Regularly? Not here. There may be workarounds for exceptional circumstances.
I choose to work ten hour shifts so I don’t have to work Fridays! It’s not always a bad thing.
Bro I’ve been working 12 hour shifts basically my whole career
Europe, USA, probably elsewhere too.
This guy needs the futuristic protection I saw in some crime documentation.
Man just tryna provide for his family. Damn kids.