I’d still like to cut his life into pieces.
Suffocation? No.
After middling success putting a modern take on simple rock beats, they renamed the band to The Wiggles and specialized on childrens entertainment.
Through a combination of record companies wanting nothing to do with them, and a willingness to tour in the wake of the World Trade Center attack when nobody else would, the new band becomes wildly successful and gets to keep all their own money and not share it with a record company.
TIL and that was a great story, but I think you mixed up the roaches!
Maybe mother roach was suffocating him.
So they got together and made Joe’s Apartment.
Sadly, that success has never since been replicated.
I had completely forgotten that movie existed.
It was bizarrely a frequently hired VHS back in the day in my family.
I will always remember Creepshow (They’re Creeping Up On You). Though that’s less endearing than Joe’s Apartment.