9/11 was an inside job
Death to America
Sometimes when it’s brought up on here people attribute 9/11 entirely to blowback and I just can’t accept that as an answer.
Don’t speak for all of us. I’m the first to admit it was a tragic accident and I hate when people turn it into a Scooby Doo mystery or make it seem purely political. Anything to protect Boeing I guess.
Mr. President, there was a second random engine failure
Can you explain a bit more? I understand not wanting it to turn into a Scooby Doo mystery, but the political and Boeing aspect I’m not really following.
Planes crash all the time. People are hardwired to look for patterns in things and sometimes we see noise that we mistake for signal. On 9/11 people saw four coincidental accidents- Boeing planes- and assumed it must be part of some bigger plot. Either it’s a conspiracy we can all have fun uncovering or it’s Foucault’s boomerang. Neither group bothers to ask if those plane crashes are like so many others they don’t do this with. The only dialectical materialism to apply is between the shitty Boeing mechanic and the plane missing components. The only conspiracy is the one you’re seeing unfolding now- corporate negligence resulting in four separate tragic accidents.
Bro it’s too early for this bit.
Leftist Ken M
9/11 was an inside job
actually the planes just did that
Not even just the planes. To be maximally generous to the conspiracy theorists, it could have been pilot error or a weather condition. Birds are also a big problem facing aviation and nobody considers those in 9/11 discourse.
the involvement of birds only thickens the plot, they could have been working with the lizard people
Bush did 9/11
Besides that, love the meme
But was he a lizard while doing it though?
he got better
hello? yes, it is me. im the trans girl holding back feminism
Of all the crazy options the lizard guy does have a point and is the most reasonable
Still definitely capitalism but maybe the capitalists are lizards, I don’t know
Clearly this meme was made by the lizard lobby to distract from 9/11.
Some people will lose their fucking minds if you suggest that an economic system has an effect on society
My parents told me as a young kid “we don’t give you money for chores or good grades because we don’t want you to do things only for money”. It was totally logical to me then, if profit is the only motive people will be selfish to get money.
As much as I hate the NPC framing, this is pretty ok
It is the liberals though lol
Thats refering to Liberals (woke) not Liberals(capitalism priest)
This meme gets real close to perfect, but could use some refinement.
Top box is too “leftist meme”. :::spoiler Shorten it to:
“I have no free time. Still can’t afford rent. Things only seem to be getting worse.”
perhaps it’s capitalism?
NPCs should adorn symbolism representing their type of guy. Each bulletpoint should dirty their entire faction by association rather than existing in isolation.
example symbols:
- TERF: Harry Potter scar
- Lizard people: infowars sticker or make resemble Alex Jones
- Anti-semite: swastika or SS neck tat
- Dems: (D) logo or donkey
- Generic GOP talking point: ® logo or elephant
- Current GOP talking point: Fox News logo
- Cryptofash: fasces or black sun
Have the libs and chuds face each other to highlight the how useful debate/contention is to capital.
There should be exactly one bullet point for each type of brainworm. Either trim the duplicates or make separate versions targeted by audience.
We only need one generic GOP talking point. You could argue for maybe one more representing the current era’s GOP bogeyman.
Then replace them with an unrepresented type of guy:
Libertarianism has never been tried: (black/yellow flag tint)
“no, it’s regulations! Real capitalism has never been tried!”
Purity fetish anarkiddies: (bandana and anarchy symbol)
“no, it’s the state! they are inherently oppressive!”
Trump obsessed libs:
“no, it’s Trump! he is destroying our democracy!”
Democratic party botfarm: (MSNBC logo)
“no, it’s republicans! they have a senate majority!” (update to “they are fillabustering our bills!” when dems have the senate)
Democratic party controlled opposition: (“in this house” yard sign)
“no, it’s
! they are a tool of the GOP!” ]NAFO imperialist fuckheads:
“no, it’s Russia! they are influencing our elections!”
“no, it’s citizens united! they are corrupting politicians!”
DSA Langley caucus:
“no, it’s China! they are an oppressive dictatorship!”
“no, it’s the tankies! they are red fash authoritarians!”
The notion that capitalists deploy culture war bullshit to distract is pretty well understood by libs at this point. Would be useful to connect that to their anti-AES / anti-tankie hysteria.
The idea behind this meme an extremely useful rhetorical tool for us. Can be adapted for libs, chuds, radlibs, and various flavors of ultras, but can’t easily be turned against us.
The asymmetry is :chefs-kiss:
We should absolutely template this
This would also pair well with a follow-up meme or extra frame for the anti-AES “socialists”. Like this, but with each flavor of CIA socialism represented:
“it’s definitely capitalism, but what can we do?”
“yes, it’s capitalism, but
” ]“yes, it’s capitalism,
” ]“yes, it’s capitalism, but China bad”
Bot idea:
@hexbot output=png template-parent=doomer-says template-sibling=npc-says :porky-pleased:
It would reply with a screenshot of the rendered markdown where each existing child comment would be an NPC. Perfect for libbitors.world threads.