All i said is what america has always been a fascist and Christian/white supremacist country.
Reddit is hot garbage now with giant swaths owned by Fidelity and other financial institutions.
Fuck Reddit.
i got a temp ban on one account, permanent ban on another account, and a suspension on a third account, because I told some dude “I’d fuck your wife for you but I don’t think I could stand your moronic politics” because he posted some “yemen could be wiped off the map with one carrier group” like a month ago (well after we sent a carrier that did nothing but flee)
The ban was for “sexualizing someone without their consent” but the guy and his wife literally posted personals soliciting being cucked, like, I’m sorry but that’s fucking consent right there. The only thing i’m guilty of is being rude to a dipshit
P.s. what’s really great is I’ve regularly gotten DMs from creeps who want to trade pics of our partners and EVERY TIME I REPORT THEM I get an automated message telling me there’s nothing wrong here. Even though that’s fucking sexualizing people without their consent! Thanks reddit! Fuckers!
The only thing i’m guilty of is being rude to a dipshit
What you’re guilty of is having a political view contrary to that of the US State Dept.
You can be rude and sexualize people to your heart’s content, all day long and in every comment you make and you’ll get scores of upvotes and redditism accolades. You just have to direct it towards the
-approved bad guys.
The best time to stop using Reddit is right now, the next best time is tomorrow.
Never forget Ghislaine Maxwell (u/maxwellhill) was a supermod on /worldnews and several other major subreddits.
honestly it was deserved, you probably made some
just in case, /s
i suck at doing a sarcasm over text
This was good sarcasm.
My favorite historical figure is Communism Smith who taught Karl Marx
They say he was 40 feet tall and used rail ties as toothpicks
I’ve had the last 5 accounts I’ve made shadowbanned.
This applies to alm ost any communication from Reddit
Death to
My last reddit account was permabanned for telling that Oliver Markus Malloy clown “No one likes you” lmao
Caught my last ban for saying what is happening in Gaza is a genocide.